Mac school board to meet

McMinnville School Board will hear about high school students recent trip to Germany and review a book challenge when they meet for a work session Monday, Sept. 23. The meeting will be held in the district ...

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Holding a small photo of his face, like many people were waving, STEM teacher Dave Clauson walks through a gauntlet of cheerleaders to accept his Teacher of the Year award Friday morning during an assembly at McMinnville High School. He was applauded by students, fellow teachers and family members. His daughter, August, said she loved the mask, pointing out a curl of hair that stuck out on the left side — her father is known for his wavy red hair.

Popular Mac High educator surprised with statewide Teacher of the Year honors

Newly named Teacher of the Year Dave Clauson held his hand to his chest as he climbed down the bleachers in the McMinnville High School gym. “My heart was racing,” he said about the surprise ...

Linfield democracy talk series starts this week

Linfield University’s Department of Political Science will host a series of panel discussions this fall in the run-up to the 2024 federal and state elections. First up is a Constitution Day event: ...

##Christine Bader

Christine Bader named to Mac school board

Christine Bader joined the McMinnville School Board Monday night, filling a position that had been held by Carson Benner. Benner resigned a year before his term was to end, saying he loved serving, but ...

Response to ‘swatting’ call swift, a learning experience

McMinnville police and educators responded in force Thursday when an anonymous caller contacted McMinnville High School, threatening violence. “We responded with as many resources as possible,” ...

Mac school board to meet Monday

McMinnville School Board will appoint a new member Monday, Sept. 9, in the district office, 800 N.E. Lafayette Avenue. The public session starts at 6:30 p.m. The board will consider approving a contract ...

MHS receives apparent 'swatting' false call; police on scene to assure safe release of students

McMinnville High School on Thursday afternoon received an apparent “swatting,” or false, call about a security threat. School officials put the school on lockdown at around 2:50 p.m. McMinnville ...

More schools open after Labor Day

Students in several Yamhill County school districts will see new programs, and in one case nearly completed new facilities, when they return to classes Tuesday, Sept. 3. Amity, Dayton, Sheridan and Yamhill ...

After-school program discontinued at two McMinnville elementary schools

After-school care provider Camp Fire Columbia abruptly closed operations at two McMinnville elementary schools this week and told district and city leaders the program needs an additional $42,000 to staff the remaining three schools.

McMinnville School Board interviews three applicants

McMinnville School Board’s six remaining members interviewed three applicants Monday night for the open seat vacated by the resignation of Carson Benner. Benner, who was re-elected in 2021, resigned ...

Starla Pointer/News-Register##New sixth-graders flow down the hallway on the way to an assembly in the gym Monday morning, the first day of classes at Patton Middle School. Eighth-grade Mustang Mentors applaud as they pass. Sixth-graders at Patton and Duniway middle schools had a few hours to get to know their buildings before seventh- and eighth-graders arrived.

Patton kids keep their cool as new year starts

Some of the sixth-graders who gathered outside Patton Middle School on Monday morning, the opening day of classes, tried to pretend they weren’t excited. No big deal, they shrugged nonchalantly ...

Along the Street : Angela Fasana of Willamina named chair of WOU trustees

The Western Oregon University Board of Trustees recently elected Angela Fasana of Willamina to serve as the third board chair. Fasana has been a Western Oregon University Board of Trustee since July 2022, ...

Starla Pointer/News-Register##Marie Palacios, right, discusses her classroom setup with Robin McKinney, special programs assistant at Newby Elementary School. Palacios has been an assistant for seven years, but this year will be the special programs teacher.

Former TA grows into new role at Newby

Soon after Marie Palacios joined the McMinnville School District as a teaching assistant, she realized she wanted more. “Working with kids is amazing,” she said to herself. “This is ...

Starla Pointer/News-Register##McMinnville school employees practice teamwork as they play a game with parachutes, trying to bounce a ball from one chute to the other, at the district-wide welcome back event Wednesday in the Mac High gymnasium. More than 800 teachers, assistants, secretaries, custodians and other workers are preparing for the first day of classes in the district on Monday.

Students return to classrooms in McMinnville, Willamina on Monday

While it may seem like only yesterday that summer started, it’s already time for students to start heading back to school. In fact, those in two Yamhill County districts — McMinnville and ...

Starla Pointer/News-Register##Duniway Middle School math teacher Paige Klopfenstein works with seventh-graders Julio Reyes, right, and Esai Esparza, left, during an intensive summer school math course. Jena Mikkelborg taught another section of the course for eighth-graders. The program was designed to prepare students to take advanced math at Duniway or Patton middle schools this year, and be ready when they get to advanced high school math classes.

Multiplying math skills: Summer classes add challenge that middle schoolers appreciate

Taking advanced math will help middle schoolers prepare for high school and careers and be an enjoyable challenge, as well, according to students in Duniway/Patton math enrichment classes this summer. It ...

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