By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Chemeketa makes case for bond measure

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The way the wording sounded last fall made it sound like the additional money would go to the new stadium in Salem. Now we're told there's no additional money. Thanks for clearing it up!


Well, guess what, $81 per year is still just as much an additional tax as it was with the first bond.

Think of the "$13" MW&L fee that just doesn't seem to go away. Why not rationalize THAT away because now it isn't a new fee?

If the proposed bond measure fails, it will not be because voters don't support education. It will be because the city continues to prioritize wasteful projects & abuse the taxpayer.


You can say the $81 tax won't go up, but our taxes and fees, thanks to the city, are going up in other places, so it turns out to appear to voters to be an $81 tax cut. That will be hard to overcome.

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