News-Register Letters Policy

The News-Register welcomes written opinions about issues of public interest and about the content of this newspaper. Letters from non-local writers are accepted only if they focus on local issues. Letters ...

Letters to the Editor: July 26, 2024

Wrongdoers should pay It’s a no-brainer. Dave Brown, Brian Shannon, Renee Powell and Trevor DeHart should pay $370,000 back to the Newberg School District for their illegal actions. It all began ...

Letters to the Editor: July 19, 2024

Noise and fumes I have a few comments ahead of this year’s Cruising McMinnville, coming up next month. We live in downtown McMinnville, and the noise and fumes make this fairly intrusive. The event ...

Letters to the Editor: July 12, 2024

Plea to farmers I own a 160-acre Century Farm in Polk County that has been in my family for four generations. It has provided health and happiness, not only for my own family, but the larger community. Although ...

Letters to the Editor: July 5, 2024

An awakening After the debate, there should not be any remaining doubt that we as a nation are in serious trouble. Joe Biden was a bumbling, stumbling incoherent, senile old man not fit to be president. ...

Letters to the Editor: June 28, 2024

Fewer screens My grandmother taught me years ago that friendships sustain us, and I wouldn’t trade mine for the world. The youth of McMinnville need to make the real lasting friendships that so ...

Letters To The Editor: June 14, 2024

Long live the trees I enjoyed the recent editorial titled, “The skies aren’t falling, but the trees sure are.” The editorial was informative and well-written.I’d like to add one ...

Letters To The Editor: June 7, 2024

A clear winner There was one clear winner in Yamhill County’s recent election: apathy. In a state where it could not be easier to vote, a turnout percentage in the 30s, as of June 1, is pathetically ...

Letters to the Editor: May 31, 2024

Safe and secure For the past 16 years, through five presidential elections now, I have served the office of the Yamhill County clerk in every position in the processing of ballots.Currently I am part ...

Letters to the Editor: May 24, 2024

Fix the streets I read the recent editorial regarding the stormwater funding proposals and found it very informative. I did not realize that action by the state of Oregon could be further in the future ...

Letters to the Editor: May 17, 2024

Nothing accomplished Almost two years ago, County Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer survived her recall election by approximately 1,600 votes. The people who voted for Lindsay should ask themselves what ...

Letters to the Editor: May 10, 2024

Much at stake The May election is coming up. Ballots have been mailed and candidates are clamoring for your vote. But will you vote? Why vote in May? The big election is in November, right? Wrong! It’s ...

Letters to the Editor: May 3, 2024

The healthy choice I am writing as a concerned member of Yamhill County as well as a retired RN with more than 25 years of experience in a community hospital. I have been a resident of Yamhill County ...

Letters to the Editor: April 26, 2024

Right the wrong Our Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center is a community health care organization in Yamhill County, composed of doctors, dentists, nurses, behavioral health providers and others. We ...

Letters to the Editor: April 19, 2024

Sadly fault-finding I recently read some of the letters to the editor about our elected county commissioner, Lindsay Berschauer. I would like to relate an experience I had with Ms. Berschauer just a few ...