News-Register Letters Policy

The News-Register welcomes written opinions about issues of public interest and about the content of this newspaper. Letters from non-local writers are accepted only if they focus on local issues. Letters ...

Letters to the Editor: Oct. 18, 2024

Leader we need Having known Kim Morris for many years, I’ve witnessed her dedicated leadership as the founder of the McMinnville Community Task Force. Kim has actively listened to and supported ...

Letters to the Editor: Oct. 11, 2024

A trusted leader I am writing to support re-election of Remy Drabkin as mayor. Remy is a trusted leader who has: - Successfully expanded access to affordable housing for local families and workers ...

Letters to the Editor: Oct. 4, 2024

Vision and dedication As the mayoral election approaches, it’s clear Kim Morris embodies the change our community needs. Her leadership offers a fresh perspective and genuine understanding of residents’ ...

Letters to the Editor: Sept. 27, 2024

Real change I was disappointed to read the News-Register’s endorsement of Dan Rayfield for Oregon attorney general, especially when his opponent, Will Lathrop, has the support of nearly all of Yamhill ...

Letters to the Editor: Sept. 13, 2024

Rest of the story While the idea given in the mobile home editorial of last week sounds good, I would suggest that the writer investigate the current rents for mobile homes in the parks mentioned. I ...

Letters to the Editor: Sept. 6, 2024

No cause to celebrate As the screaming military planes flying over my backyard disrupted my weekend, I couldn’t help but remember that similar F-16 jets have spread death and destruction around ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 30, 2024

Tunnel vision I’m responding to Robert Long’s Aug. 23 post. People have not stopped being good, Mr. Long. They just want a life with a home, family, friends and food on the table. They don’t ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 23, 2024

Missing the prince When my News-Register arrived in last Friday’s mail, I quickly scanned the obituaries and didn’t find myself listed there. I next moved on to the stories and pictures from ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 18, 2024

Getting it done Having written so many letters asking that the city do something about what is generally called the homeless problem, I want to say thank you to the administration, council, police department, ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 9, 2024

Lack of commitment? Here we go again! This procedure of giving the loser in an election a chance to redeem himself or herself seems counter to democratic principles. But that’s what we are facing ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 2, 2024

Positive and constructive For decades, Starla Pointer has been writing features for the News-Register.Almost every issue of the paper carries at least one feature written by her. And all of them introduce ...

Letters to the Editor: July 26, 2024

Wrongdoers should pay It’s a no-brainer. Dave Brown, Brian Shannon, Renee Powell and Trevor DeHart should pay $370,000 back to the Newberg School District for their illegal actions. It all began ...

Letters to the Editor: July 19, 2024

Noise and fumes I have a few comments ahead of this year’s Cruising McMinnville, coming up next month. We live in downtown McMinnville, and the noise and fumes make this fairly intrusive. The event ...

Letters to the Editor: July 12, 2024

Plea to farmers I own a 160-acre Century Farm in Polk County that has been in my family for four generations. It has provided health and happiness, not only for my own family, but the larger community. Although ...