Letters to the Editor: April 12, 2024

Keep the character There are many objective and subjective reasons why McMinnville is considered to have the best small-town downtown west of the Mississippi River. So why are we paying large fees to ...

Letters to the Editor: April 5, 2024

Sheriff misstep Last week, I expressed to Sheriff Sam Elliott, through e-mail, my disappointment regarding his endorsement of Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer for re-election. To my surprise, he promptly ...

Letters to the Editor: March 29, 2024

Dress ’em up I read with interest the reader’s letter about the necessity of having awnings on the storefronts on Third Street. It is important. But why can’t these awnings be colorful ...

Letter to the Editor: March 22, 2024

Warding off the drizzle Where does Michele Reeves come from? Not the Pacific Northwest, apparently. It has been known to rain here. Awnings are to keep people dry while they walk up and down Third Street, ...

Letters to the Editor: March 15, 2024

Another view My response to the president’s State of the Union address consists of takes on four items he didn’t mention or glossed over: 1) Fighting in Ukraine and the Middle East With ...

Letters to the Editor: March 8, 2024

Educate and vaccinate As a retired physician, I have to ask, what are our county commissioners thinking? Vaccination has saved more lives than any other medical invention. It leads any list of the top ...

Letters to the Editor: March 1, 2024

Losing our way My greatest good fortune was to be born into an ascendant America, a proud nation of immigrants that had just led an alliance to defeat fascism in Europe and the Pacific. During the post-war ...

Letters to the Editor: February 23, 2024

Don’t be so sure Everyone knows? This statement, from last week’s “Pure hypocrisy” letter, misleads, divides and keeps us from civilly discussing important issues. I belong to ...

Letters to the Editor: February 16, 2024

20-minute neighborhoods I was excited to read in the Jan. 22 News-Register that the McMinnville Planning Commission included the concept of 20-minute neighborhoods in its priority projects for the next ...

Letters to the Editor: February 9, 2024

Working together As a long-time resident of Newberg, I’m supportive of the various public and private ways we in Yamhill county can come together to support fellow residents in times of need. In ...

Letter to the Editor: February 2, 2024

Make it affordable In last week’s Whatchamacolumn, lamenting the unsettling decline of letters to the editor, Jeb Bladine suggested various local issues deserving of comment. They included “McMinnville ...

Letters to the Editor: January 19, 2024

No one wants to work I don’t want to get into a debate on who is best for the position of the U.S. presidency with the clearly Democratic Biden writer Phil Forve (a characterization Forve emphatically ...

Letters to the Editor: Jan. 12, 2024

Shorted on sports Sports coverage was missing from the first paperless issue of the News-Register on Wednesday, Jan. 3. And I was disappointed to learn this was by choice, not chance. Having sports coverage ...

Letters to the Editor: January 5, 2024

Enriching citizenry The Viewpoints piece on freedom of religion, by Leland Thoburn, was a great example of how your paper enriches our citizenry. It was a very informative reflection on the origins and ...

Letters to the Editor: Dec. 22, 2023

Setting things straight Thanks to Jeb Bladine of the News-Register for the accurate recounting of the city of McMinnville’s transparent communications regarding the consolidation of McMinnville’s ...

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