By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

Willamina man found guilty of assaulting female

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It's stated as a fact that Taffola strangled his victim until she was unconscious, yet the jury acquitted him on that charge and he's serving a mere 60 days for the violence for which he was convicted. Strangling is the #1 indicator that a man will go on to kill his victim, and here it's not even going to be on his record when he does.


But if it was judge wiles and there was a shotgun (you know the politically correct guns) involved, he would have been sentenced to no jail time. Am I right JWC?



I am acutely aware of a case where Portland Police Bureau Seargent Gomes wounded his wife in an obscenely brutal manner. Two female news casters were actually laughing and giggling about it. Gomes was not arrested for domestic violence. Responding officers arrived at the scene to find the nude woman laying on a blood soaked bed with a singular entry wound "in the area of the right buttock.". The officers made no arrest because the Seargent claimed that he had simply neglected to unload his shotgun before "playing around with it." The officers wrote that "they saw no evidence of domestic violence.". Although the woman required fifty units of blood in the Emergency Room, lost a leg, a portion of her intestinal track, bladder, reproductive organs, and suffered other internal injuries, the District Attorney declined to file charges for assault or attempted murder.

Which one of us is unrealistic and lacks compassion?


I’m just trying to share your burning hatred for the local judge and shotguns. Jeez


That seems like a very lenient sentence considering the facts. It seems this guy is going to end up killing someone eventually.




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