By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Starrett and Berschauer object to tightening mask provision

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Starrett and Berschauer once again wasting time and Yamhill County taxpayer money on meaningless letters, resolutions, and commentary in order to forward their extremist political agenda. At the end of the day, all they did was share baseless rhetoric. Over all this time they have done nothing - ZERO - to assist the county and the citizens in productively dealing with the pandemic. In the meantime the county is an absolute mess.

todd sadlo

What those two are doing is worse than "meaningless," it is dangerous. Neither of them knows or understands basic principles of biology, and here they are giving advice to the public based on bs that they found somewhere on the web. It's like they both skipped seventh grade biology class, and never caught up. Dangerous, and goofy as county commissioners. They are supposed to be establishing policy for the county. Instead they spend most of their time whining about state policies that they were definitely not hired to establish. The virus is mostly moving between hosts via droplets. Masks lessen or prevent the distribution of droplets through the atmosphere. Those two would do us all a big favor by not using their positions of authority to spread dangerous lies.


Todd, what's your background?


So I am assuming masks will be optional in the local area hospitals' operating rooms, is that correct? If it's true that "masks reduce oxygen intake and increase the risks of bacterial infection," then I certainly don't think we want them in operating rooms where surgeons need to be fully awake and not suffering from oxygen deprivation.


Thankful for common sense from these two instead of partisan politics amongst our commissioners. “Science” has been watered down, overused and misused so much that now it depends on who you are, whether ‘your’ science is to be trusted.


With over 820,000 deaths from Covid in the US, The “common sense” approach would be to wear a mask in public, especially for those that are unvaccinated....two of the commissioners have fought proven public health recommendations from the beginning.


Loretta, what in heaven's name do you mean by "common sense" from Berschauer and Starrett? All they do is spew no sense and/or nonsense. These two are about as partisan in the most extreme way as anyone can get. As I said earlier, can you name one positive thing that either of these two have done to help Yamhill County citizens address the pandemic? Tagup is spot on with his/her comments.


Isn't anyone disgusted with Yamhill County's lengthy history of despicable elected officials, public embarrassments?


Lulu, yes indeed. It started all the way back in 2002 when (IMO) evil walked in the door. It has only gotten worse since that time. Those who had any sense were always outnumbered and thus were a minority who had an impossible time getting anything of value done. At some point the voters need to wake up and stop electing people based upon how many glossy signs they put up. Politicians have figured out that Yamhill County can be bought easily. Anyone who couldn't see what was coming with Berschauer was simply not doing their homework. Too bad some people didn't do as deep a dive into her past as what she hired to have done to smear Boyer with.


Disgusted? Count me in. And I implore my fellow citizens to sign the Berschauer recall petition. If we can recall one and vote out the other perhaps we can restore some sanity and decent governance to our county. Some of us are sick and tired of having our taxes squandered and our health threatened.

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