By Kirby Neumann-Rea • Of the News-Register • 

Sen. Wyden talks issues, sidesteps Biden question

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Why start with Biden and his mental status? It wasn't part of the town hall meeting!

You didn't even print what Wyden said about the advantages that elders bring to the table, such as they know what's going on and don't have to spend years catching up.

The article as written has much bias in favor of Trump.

"Muted support"? That's an N-R judgment. Report the FACTS!

No mention that Biden had a cold, as diagnosed by a medical doctor and Biden said in a televised interview that he was not doing well physically because of the cold.

No mention of long covid. No mention of student loans. Must I list them all?

I'm so disappointed in the N-R's handling of this meeting. It was really good.


"Wyden, who is *Jewish*, described losing family members in the Holocaust..."

So livestreaming genocide of civilians in Gaza is justified because of the Holocaust. OK buddy. Good luck with that, Jews.

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