
Rachel Karl: Where are tomorrow's leaders?

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Don Dix

Those that are under 40 do not have the same options of past generations, even though there are more choices if one wants to get involved.

This age group has no civic organization that caters especially to them. In the past, JayCees were that organization. It was a perfect opportunity to harness the energy that runs prevalent in youth. Fish Derby, Kid's basketball, little guy football, spearheading multiple track building projects, hunter safety, and tree planting are just speck of the projects that were organized when I was a member.

These projects were funded with money earned thru Pronto Pup sales around the city (including county fair and TurkeyRama). We ran a weekly bingo game for several years which allowed the club to meet greater goals with the income. Way back in the day, the JayCees operated a drag strip at the airport and had an annual budget comfortably in 5 digits.

Organizing these type of events and programs allowed individuals to recognize and act upon deficiencies observed in the community. Many times those who needed assistance, whether it be monetary or physical, approached the club with proposals, which were usually acted upon.

This opportunity is absent now because the JayCees are no longer active here. McMinnville is large enough to support more than one young adult organization. It doesn't have to be JayCees or any national organization. In fact, a local group could keep more earnings to help out where needed, thus being more effective.

Similar age, similar energy, fresh outlooks, and working as a unit with peers is a different scenario than Lions, Rotary, etc. (no bad vibes intended).

Get the twenty-somethings involved with one another and you may find not only future leaders, but many really involved future citizens.

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