By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Primozich seeks second term on board of county commissioner

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Don Dix

Stan has always kept the community's best interests in his deeds. There is no way any particular commissioner can please everybody, but if one looks solely at his work ethic and the way he carries out his position, there should be no complaint. His trips to Salem and D.C. are for the whole county, not some local special interest influence. Does anyone really believes a $1K contribution will buy a commissioner, especially Stan? The assertion is about a difference of opinion on a single issue, nothing more.

E.J. Farrar

I'd like to see a farmer on the board to give our rural residents a stronger voice. It would also be nice to have at least one commissioner who isn't a sexagenarian.


I have heard from several people than Stan is a very nice guy. I'm sure that's accurate. But I can't ignore his plea to Portland, supposedly on my behalf, to continue sending their garbage to my town. Casey has shown me that he is dedicated and has the ability to get up to speed on issues quickly. I want someone who is proactive, takes input from a variety of sources, and makes decisions in the best interest of the future of our county. So Casey has my vote.

Based on what I have heard and read about Stan, I wonder if he has ever considered running for office at the state level? The state and federal contacts he has made while serving as a commissioner should provide him a solid base from which he could campaign. Just a thought...

A New Generation

If Stan is working so hard to bring more resources for county roads, why is it that we are towards the end of his term and the roads department is still extremely understaffed? Actually what happens is the bridge maintenance is ignored to the point the bridge gets weight restrictions and then closed, then the Feds swoop in and pay for the repairs.yep sounds like the swamp needs drained here also.....

Fed up !!!!!

A New Generation

If Stan is working so hard to bring more resources for county roads, why is it that we are towards the end of his term and the roads department is still extremely understaffed? Actually what happens is the bridge maintenance is ignored to the point the bridge gets weight restrictions and then closed, then the Feds swoop in and pay for the repairs.yep sounds like the swamp needs drained here also.....

Fed up !!!!!

Don Dix

It's interesting to read the 'reasons' some may be voting for Kulla --
'Casey has shown me that he is dedicated and has the ability to get up to speed on issues quickly.' Where can one find an account of that ability?

Portland garbage -- Metro sends 60 trucks of garbage 5 days every week -- to Arlington, and the contract for Riverbend expires next year.

Bridges -- The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Sufficiency Rating Formula defines the method for describing bridge condition. The sufficiency designation is important because a bridge must be declared deficient and should have a sufficiency rating of 80 or less to qualify for federal funding. This rating is one criteria used to establish priorities for bridge replacement or rehabilitation and as a guide to generally identify bridges that need improvements. The lower the rating, the higher the priority. -- The AAHSTO is located in D.C. And fed dollars are not always available (bridge ratings produce the priority). Some of these bridges were built decades ago when traffic and weight of such were much lower, so today some have become obsolete or overloaded. No one could fix all of them in 4 years, but that's reality, not promise.

'It would also be nice to have at least one commissioner who isn't a sexagenarian.' -- So in this case, it's age discrimination that influences the vote. Hmmmm.

In these particular scenarios, fault can be found everywhere, but the positives of Stan's watch far outweigh the negatives, in my opinion.


Mr. Dix, my comment was that Casey had shown me, not that I had read it somewhere. The background is that several months ago I met him for the first time at a function and I made some pretty blunt comments about the content, or lack there of, of his presentation. He followed up with me within 24 hours, answering some of my questions and inviting me to his usual team weekly breakfast meeting to continue the discussion. I went and we talked about several topics. I agreed with him on some. And I could appreciate his research and thought process on the topics with which I disagreed.

I am extremely direct and Casey did not get offended when I expressed my opinion. He listened to me. Tried to get answers in a very short time frame. And we had a thoughtful discussion.

I hope that clarifies my comment. Stan is fortunate to have a strong supporter so eager to defend him.

Don Dix

Thankyou for the clarifying your statement, PAO.

Realize a seated commissioner is under a more strict time constraint and certainly job busier than an opponent looking to unseat him. The fact Stan was in DC this week proposing the feds reconsider logging restrictions lends some credence to that observation.


Bike lanes on all the county roads and the trail would be nice. But those things are for the benefit of people in town. Massively raise taxes for people in town who want to enjoy the amenities they’re pushing for in rural parts. People in the rural parts don’t use those things so tax the city dwellers.


Kulla all the way. Refreshing, practical, smart and down-to-earth (literally).

fir tree

Somebody should fact check Stan. He's stated that commissioners work 60 hours per week. The majority of the time they don't even put in 40. Trips to D.C.? I know firsthand that these trips are a waste of taxpayer money - travel junkets as commissioner starrett would say. Yamhill County is nothing in Washington D.C and I can guarantee that Stan's trips have yielded nothing. D.C. matters are best left to the U.S. Senators and congressman from Oregon - not a commissioner from Yamhill County. These trips accomplish nothing. Stan should be here overseeing the failing roads and bridges and managing county business instead of wasting money on numerous trips and travel expenses. IMO he is a very poor leader and we can do much better.


Fir tree is absolutely correct.

Yamhill Truth Serum

I could never cast a vote for Kulla. Having a pot farmer as a County Commissioner would make Yamhill County a laughing stock.

fir tree

Yamhill Truth Serum - In case you haven't been paying attention Yamhill County has been the laughing stock for years beginning with when Leslie Lewis walked in the door. This week's news, two new lawsuits filed against the county for negligence and a county bridge was found to be so seriously deteriorated from neglect that its weight limit is severely restricted. Meanwhile Stan is touting in his campaign literature that he has supervised the maintenance of the county bridges. All the serious issues point directly to the administration and commissioners. Laughing stock indeed.

E.J. Farrar

Thank you News-Register for endorsing Casey Kulla. As you so aptly put it, it is time for a change at the county helm.


So having a “pot farmer” makes the county a laughing stock?
Would you feel better if he had a vineyard or grew hops....?


Riverbend was the deal breaker I can't and won't forget, the feeling of being sold out while toadying up to Waste Management. Unforgivable.

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