By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Planning Commissioner Gaibler listed as biggest donor to Berschauer

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The farmers love her. That is all.


Quid Pro Quo is alive and well. I'll do something for you if you do something for me. Berschauer doesn't actually care about these donors, they are only useful to her for now. Same thing in reverse. They want something from her so they contribute. Berschauer would sell her soul for a perceived vote, nothing further. It has been proven that Yamhill County is where you turn when you can't get elected anywhere else.


I find it interesting that (according to todays NR articles) King has over 5 times more in donations of $100 or less...a group that seems less likely to expect something in return.


Where's the headline "Bubba King's biggest donor political activist Lynette Shaw" ?


It is very interesting reading if you look into ‘who owns Bridgeview Press of Cave Junction Oregon’. It appears to be a creation of Dr Arthur Robinson who used to use the name Althouse Press, which turned out to be a fictitious company, he used while running for office in Oregon. Is he actually the $11,000+ donation to Lindsay on 3/5/24 ? Or was Tom Hammer, the George family or any one of the other deep pockets for Lindsay? Talk about trying to obscure sources of donations! Lindsay could teach a Master Class on being shady. With all the ‘Lindsay Litter’ proliferating around the county we all should remember there is another great alternative for Commissioner that does not look to be ‘owned’ by big money. How about a voice for everyday folks instead of a handful of the wealthy?
P S.... interesting that Bridgeview Press is on Dick George(?) Rd in Cave Junction


It pesky little me again, my curiosity got to me and made me do a little looking into Bridgeview Press. It is currently inactive according to the SOS website. Why is Lindsay listing an inactive business entity on her campaign contribution form, and if you don’t know what all the names are that the George family donated under, you don’t realize how much Lindsay is beholden to them.


3 reasons you should NOT vote for Lindsay:
1. Lindsay's campaign is funded by the George Family, owners of one of the largest hazelnut processing companies in the country. Nothing wrong with that. Where it becomes very, very wrong is when she represents only the big money that helped get her get elected and blatantly ignores the wishes of the citizen majority.
2. Here's one example of how Lindsay serves her wealthy farmer campaign supporters and ignores pure and simple betterment for citizens: In 2020 Lindsay killed the Yamhelas Westsider Trail, even though construction had already begun and it meant returning hefty private donations and a $1.5 million grant to the state. She killed it because her farmer supporters are against having regular people (ugh!) sully "their" county. She killed it even though an online petition in June of 2021 gathered more than 3,200 signatures in favor of the trail.
3. Lindsay appointed six candidates with jaw-dropping conflicts of and lack of qualifications to the county parks advisory board. One of them is her husband. One of them is Celine McCarthy. McCarthy and her husband, Greg, who was convicted in federal court last year of financial fraud, were among the largest campaign finance donors to Lindsay.
4. There are many more examples of this politician's wily undertakings. You'll find them in Mac's News-Register newspaper. Keep informed. Everybody rise up and vote for Bubba King.


3 reasons you should NOT vote for Lindsay:
1. Lindsay's campaign is funded by the George Family, owners of one of the largest hazelnut processing companies in the country. Nothing wrong with that. Where it becomes very, very wrong is when she represents only the big money that helped get her get elected and blatantly ignores the wishes of the citizen majority.
2. Here's one example of how Lindsay serves her wealthy farmer campaign supporters and ignores pure and simple betterment for citizens: In 2020 Lindsay killed the Yamhelas Westsider Trail, even though construction had already begun and it meant returning hefty private donations and a $1.5 million grant to the state. She killed it because her farmer supporters are against having regular people (ugh!) sully "their" county. She killed it even though an online petition in June of 2021 gathered more than 3,200 signatures in favor of the trail.
3. Lindsay appointed six candidates with jaw-dropping conflicts of and lack of qualifications to the county parks advisory board. One of them is her husband. One of them is Celine McCarthy. McCarthy and her husband, Greg, who was convicted in federal court last year of financial fraud, were among the largest campaign finance donors to Lindsay.
4. There are many more examples of this politician's wily undertakings. You'll find them in Mac's News-Register newspaper. Keep informed. Everybody rise up and vote for Bubba King.


manyhands: Google the Yamhelas Westsider Trail Map. It's easy to find online. Then take a look at Google Earth and follow the old railroad. You will see why some of the affected landowners didn't want the trail. Then, contact Oregon's LUBA and ask them what their reasons were for not giving approval on the trail. You could also contact some of the past commissions, maybe Kulla, and ask him why they went after grant money for a project that didn't have approval.


@nativeOregonian That's me you're talking about, and it should be noted that I'm not running for office. I'm a resident, a small business owner, wife, and mom - but I see you've swallowed Berschauer's rhetoric that demonizes me personally. I also happened to be the director of a PAC that was organized to fund a recall against Commissioner Berschauer. That is my Constitutional right, as it is any of ours. I'd like to point out that your statement is inaccurate, my wife bought a sweatshirt, but that was the only donation from our home to Mr. King's campaign. What you might be referring to is the donation from Save Yamhill County, the PAC that had more than 430 individual contributions from YC residents who wanted her to be recalled. Those people did not think she was fit for the seat she held, so why on earth would it be surprising that the PAC they gave that money to would donate what they didn't use to Berschauer's very credible opponent? It would be mismanagement of those funds if we didn't send them to Mr. King's PAC. You might want to conduct a more thorough vetting of Berschauer's statements, especially the personal attacks against constituents if you are interested in getting factual information. You might not hate what you find.


@nativeOregonian Another reason you don't see that headline is that I've not been appointed to a seat of power and influence quid pro quo style, like Berschauer has appointed her donor, Gaibler. If Mr. King appoints me to a county committee after he's elected, then you'd have a legitimate gripe. However, I have zero interest in that, so I'm afraid you're out of luck.

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