By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

People scramble as new camping bans take effect

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“One month or one year, said Dryden, it doesn’t matter to people who are deprived of options.”

Plenty of options. Plenty of resources.

It just takes effort, and work. Just like the rest of us.

Some times you have to quit enabling those who refuse to help themselves to affect change.

A little tough love as it were.


The fire department should follow right behind them with there fire hoses.


Interesting to me how reporter Tom Henderson continually writes articles with mostly one side of the story. I have personally had his biased reporting effect me about 2 years ago when I had a squatter situation effect me and my business. He never got my side of things, only the squatters and heresay.
Here we go again. How about interviewing Nice Electric, a business broken into about once a month since November? What about Mac Glass, a family run business that's had more than it's share of turmoil? How about Pacific Reflex Signs? What toll has it taken there? Or Lewis Furniture? Have you talked to any of the widows scared to death at McMinnville Manor? There is way more to this story than what is being reported. These businesses whose livelihood is being affected and tenants whose lives are being affected is where your story is at. We don't want yet another report with the reporters own bleeding heart feelings infused into the story.



The News Register has become extremely liberal, as is evidenced by their Editorial pieces.

Pity to only represent less than 50 percent of their subscribers.

The news used to be apolitical. The news used to report on both sides and let the reader decide their opinion based on facts, not emotion or the reporters opinion.


It’s nearly all opinion and no facts. Fox, CNN, The Oregonian, MSNBC, etc. All garbage “news”.

And that, is a tragedy and why the overwhelming percentage of people no longer trust the news.

News organizations are selling politics today, not facts.


OregonBorn I agree. One headline in this online issue has already been changed. They were called out on not having all the facts!


OregonBorn I agree. One headline in this online issue has already been changed. They were called out on not having all the facts!


The only cities I’ve lived in where I didn’t feel safe - Portland, Salem and McMinnville. When I lived in McMinnville I almost got mauled by four pit bulls while I was walking my puppy. They came charging at me from one of those many dilapidated RVs you see all over the town. The owners came and called them off laughing about it. I wasn’t amused. The next day I put in my notice and moved to Newberg 5 days later :-( McMinnville too liberal !! It’s become Portland Junior !



One of the main reasons we moved here, long ago, was for the cities many beautiful parks for our very young, and future children, and the downtown area.

The city has made considerable efforts to clean the downtown spaces (thank you!). Unfortunately the parks have become strict no go zones without the full family unit going together. Some of the interactions with the vagrants has been sketchy. From obviously high folks screaming sexual comments towards the family, to threats of violence, to watching them scream at each and nearly brawl in the middle of the street, it’s become completely unacceptable to the vast majority of McMinnville.

Pity it has to come to this.


This isn’t reporting it’s a one sided view of the problem. The other side of the story was left out completely. The thefts, the filth, the costs of clean up , the costs of police and medical services , the fear of sending your grandchildren to the park , etc. Not one word about any of this or the cost to businesses and private citizens. Who payed for all the overtime and costs with cleaning it all up? The taxpayers of course. Tom Henderson it’s time for you to step up to the plate and actually write a story with your opinion in it.

Bill B

I guess I don't agree with most of the comments here. It may be one sided
from the homeless side but I don't see any opinion; only their perspective.

That said, I totally agree with the actions we are taking. We waited far too long.


I lived in Mac for nearly two decades and raised my children there as a transplant from California. I now live in southeast Newberg and am safe and happy and will never ever move back there. It saddens me terribly to see what it's become.


Finch I grew up south of Dayton never even lived in a city at all until 1993 when I went to college in Newberg. Then I had different jobs in the I.T. Field which led me to Beaverton then Portland proper before I came back to the county I grew up in. I really saw Beaverton and Portland go downhill with becoming majorly overpopulated and dangerous. I was working graveyard at the power company by Lloyd and on my way to work a knife fight broke out in the Max so that soured me to Portland. I lived in McMinnville 14-18 came back to Newberg. I saw the same phenomenon happen in McMinnville in a very short period. Too many sudden implants and a very dangerous element came in - and quickly. Rent doubled and town went to pieces, too. Newberg though more populated than last time here doesn’t feel unsafe unlike those other areas.


And ya'all talk about 'liberals' be whiners.


Seems that if you always look for the negative in life’ll probably find it....


"Seems that if you always look for the negative in life’ll probably find it...."

There's plenty of positive in life. But tell me, what has happened to personal responsibility and consequences for ones' actions? Laws apply to some but not all. It's beginning to get confusing when there are expectations for those who follow the laws, work and contribute to society and then we have the reverse for those choosing to partake in activities that are damaging to themselves and society. Then we have those out there offering free, free, free . . . something is very wrong.


Your observations (while mostly true) are not experience is that the vast majority of people do take responsibility for their actions.
Drug use and mental illness are both at epidemic levels.....these are problems that must be dealt with on a governmental level to have an isn’t a fix
...spending billions on military, infrastructure and political projects while ignoring the sick and disadvantaged is shameful and the responsibility is on federal & state leadership for not doing their jobs....


I hope things workout for those looking for a place to live, especially those fighting illnesses like cancer.



You betcha.

Let’s get rid of the military and infrastructure, and all the security, freedom and jobs they provide, and divert those tax dollars to those who choose to do drugs and not seek help.

You betcha.

You can spend all the money you want on the drug addicted. If they don’t want help, it’s pointless. Coddling and enabling them at great tax payers expense will do nothing to help them.

Plenty of available resources now for those who want and need help.


Didn’t advocate getting rid of those programs....just allocating resources to an issue that everyone talk about security......wouldn’t addressing mental health, drug addiction and poverty bring more security to the general public?......drug addition is only one piece of the problem....much of that can be traced back to people self medicating a mental disorder.....treatment (even if court ordered) will help.....your “plenty of available resources “ comment is just not accurate.....if it were ....we wouldn’t be having this conversation....


Infrastructure and jobs are more important to me so those choosing to work, provide for themselves and their families can do so. Those tax dollars received from working people keep this ship floating.

The truly needy and temporarily homeless that we should be focused on helping are lost oftentimes among those who make poor life choices repeatedly. I have no sympathy for them. At an early age we are all taught about the risks of certain behaviors -- the fork traveled. Do I have friends and relatives that have family members that have chosen those paths? Yes. I've seen the years of trying to help over and over and how it tears families apart. At some point something has to give. In my experience the family gives up.


Poor life choices are made for a variety of reasons....I would guess that many of those choices are a result of mental illness even though drugs may be involved......of course there are some that are just lazy and have no desire to contribute, but that is certainly not the majority of homeless...

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