By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Letter to Readers: Veteran N-R reporter bids farewell, starts new chapter

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County native

Nicole, thank you so much for your thorough and accurate reporting over the many years. You reported things that needed to be reported, in spite of the sometimes vicious attacks that were aimed at you - simply for telling the truth. Thank you, thank you for all you did. You will be missed. I hope that whomever takes your place on reporting things from the County has the determination to report the true story just as you did regardless of the political fire that it may draw. Best of luck to you moving forward!

Don Dix

Thank you for keeping the info moving and reporting what needed to be understood. Good luck on your new adventure.


Best wishes on your new venture Nicole!


Thank you Nicole - You were fearless on the difficult topics and added lightness to the less controversial issues. I enjoyed all our conversations to help you with stories. You will be missed and Smoke Signals is lucky to have you!

M. Isaac

Thank you Nicole for serving our community so faithfully. I will very much miss you on the News Register staff and wish you well on your future with Smoke Signals.


Good luck to you Nicole, best wishes in your new adventure. You were a highlight for the NR.

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