By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Gardening Boom

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Referring to the online gardening course"....more than 29,000 people signed up in response..." when usually the number is 50? Is that 29,000 all of McMinnville, in Yamhill or Oregon? Is 29,000 really a correct number?

Don Dix

My experience with Morning Glory is that it will take over, and is hard to kill.

Zucchini -- planting more than one might be too much -- one of the most prolific producing plants. You might be overwhelmed with

And after trying all sorts of tomatoes, I have found that a delicious, meaty tomato developed by OSU for this particular area grows best in the valley -- hence the name -- Willamette.

Nicole Montesano

Jusasking, sorry for the confusion; the number is for Oregon.


As with all adversity, we need to search out and focus on that which defies the negativity. Just so, we are well-advised to identify silver linings. A garden has to be the brightest healthiest most beneficial “lining” of all. We have lost many elements of normal but nature provides a refuge. Our warm gentle spring has been a gift this year. Flowers blooming, busy happy bees, fruit trees and berry canes bearing lovely promises of nourishment to come.

As someone who has gardened for decades I am delighted that others are about to discover the great joy and satisfaction of growing your own food. The veggie patch is a place for spiritual growth, it is (in my opinion) far more beneficial than the gym, and as mentioned above, it is THERAPY!

I hope the freshman gardeners will consider a crop of radishes. A helpful trait for any gardener is patience, but radishes practically jump from the earth and can be enhancing your salads within a few weeks. (Only slightly delayed gratification.) :-}

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