By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

County board orders limits on vaccine information

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Challenge to YC HHS Director Manfrin:

Provide the following information on C-19 injections:

1. All ingredients.

2. For Oregon, C-19 injected v. control group:

Rate of all-cause mortality.

Rate of disability.

Rates of myocarditis, stroke, cancer, miscarriage, stillbirth, neurological disorders.


Meanwhile, I just visited the YC HHS website. The following is pure promotion - without useful information:

Vaccine Safety & Effectiveness Side effects after a COVID-19 vaccination are common, but severe reactions are rare. See more information on side effects. Find more information about the COVID-19 vaccines and those who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding. Read more information about the COVID-19 vaccine and children. See more information about myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. See more information about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

If you click on any of the links, that takes you to the CDC. Which shamelessly promotes the C-19 injections.


For example: COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

"What You Need to Know Everyone ages 6 months and older is recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine. This includes people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or those who might become pregnant in the future. Infants ages 6 months and older are recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine even if born to people who were vaccinated or had COVID-19 before or during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or were recently pregnant, you are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19, compared to people who are not pregnant. Additionally, if you have COVID-19 during pregnancy, you are at increased risk of complications that can affect your pregnancy and developing baby. Getting the updated COVID-19 vaccine can help protect both you and your baby from serious illness from COVID-19. People who are pregnant should stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines and get an updated COVID-19 vaccine in fall 2023.Evidence shows that: COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with fertility problems in women or men."


So now facts from professionals are "a one-sided narrative"? Let County Health do their job and share information relevant to the county's health. Starrett's and Berschauer's politically biased opinions are not relevant and have no place in the County Health Department.


These reports are contrary to the CDC promotion:

The Explosive Link Between COVID Vaccines and Increased Cancer Rates in Children & Young Adults BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 11, 2024

NIH in Early 2022 Abruptly Stopped Responding to People Injured by COVID Shots

Pfizer wanted to keep this report secret for 75 years.
It was obtained via court enforced FOIA:

Report Prepared by:
Worldwide Safety Pfizer

Superior analysis by Michel Chossudovsky:


Queen Mary and Princess Lindsey have spoken.


Madmacs, and Dr. of epidemiology Dan has also spoken (and spoken) (and spoken some more) (and more to come I’m sure)


The NR needs to add a BS alert button. Maybe an icon of a tinfoil hat would be appropriate.

Easy Writer

Mary Starrett: Despot Wannabe. Go back to "Faces and Places" on KATU, Mary. You're the worst thing to ever happen to this county.


If you listen to the meeting of 2/15 it's actually much more unhinged than this article implies, as Starrett repeatedly claims her conspiracy theories (her term) have all been proven true and that everyone else has been covering this up but she was right all along. It would be unbelievable in any other County but seems to be acceptable now in Yamhill County.


Clown show continues and our online Dr. Dan continues his never ending quest to get everyone to believe his conspiracy theories….Starrett and Berschauer are nut jobs elected by the voters in our County. It’s time to vote in people who actually have some common sense.


The headline of this article is misleading:

"County board orders limits on vaccine information"

In reality, the BOC wants to add information on vaccines.

The purpose being to show both sides of the story.

I don't think there is any objection to presenting CDC information.

The objection is that contrary information is being excluded.

Whence the BOC Order to limit the promotion side of the story.

It is the promoters of vaccines that are excluding vaccine information.

And the BOC which would like to include that excluded information.

Precisely the inverse suggested by the title of this article.


Maybe re-read the 1st paragraph….commissioners want nothing about vaccines other than they are available!.. your post is incorrect.


The complete sentence:

"Yamhill County Commissioners on Thursday ordered Health and Human Services Director Lindsey Manfrin not to tell the public anything about vaccines other than that they are available, in county social media posts."

Note last phrase: "... in county social media posts."

Let's wait to see the final, written Order.

And what effect it may have on the YC HHS website itself.


Right… so the commission “showing both sides” and “adding information “ was something you made up….. seems like the headline was NOT misleading from the information contained in the story.


The BOC's record extends beyond the four corners of the story.


Nice backpedaling….most people would say adding facts that aren’t in the story then calling the headline misleading is disingenuous.


I read all the posts that County Health put up on social media. None seem over the top. Two even said to talk to your doctor. This is just more manufactured controversy these two commissioners continually spout to get more attention. I will never vote for either of these two. Please support candidates with common sense and fact-based solutions in November.


The plain meaning of the BOC ORDER is clear.

The plain meaning of the N-R article - title & all - is clear.

My comments are meant according to their own plain meaning.

Anyone is free to agree or disagree with the BOC, N-R, or me.


Plain meaning is important… as is credibility.


Take this according to its plain meaning.

What do YOU think?


Above UK ONS bar-chart from:


Dan posts on forums,
Words flowing like a river,
Wisdom in pixels.


Dr Dan’s favorite source is amazing. I love the opening line of the Wikipedia page about Expose News: The Exposé (formerly known as The Daily Exposé)[3] is a British news page created in 2020 by Jonathan Allen-Walker.[1][2] It is known for publishing COVID-19 and anti-vaccine misinformation.

Apparently it is run by an English welder with no medical training. No other known staff write for it. Countless times their claims have been debunked.

You keep doing your thing Dr Dan, infectious disease and epidemiologist expert!


Straight from the horse's mouth:

UK Office for National Statistics

Deaths by vaccination status, England


In the realm of threads,
Dan's words fall with heavy weight,
Unliked, he persists.


When our County Commissioners can provide proof of their formal medical education and training then we might be more inclined to value their opinions, but in the meantime they should keep their conspiracy theories to themselves and allow knowledgable trained professionals take the reins on this matter. Stay in your lane, Commissioners.


Looks like the BOC is over the target!


How many posts does it take to get to the center of the extrinsic mind? One? Two?....


In reality, it's not rocket science: Berschauer and Starrett are simply jealous of Lindsey Manfrin's superior educational background as well as her more attractive appearance.



In his case, Icke is a well-deserved surname.


Hillier gives evidence in the USA Senate-What did they hide?

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