By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Board balks at second deputy admin post

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So they haven’t reviewed their chief executive in 5 years? He’s the one employee they’re supposed to evaluate and provide direction. But they have plenty of time to evaluate public health, don’t they? And YCAP, Yamhill county cities, the state… but not their one direct report. Great management, BOC.


You know what happens in the private sector when managers don’t provide timely evaluations?.. they get fired!


My guess is most county taxpayers would rather have an animal control officer than two assistant deputy administrators….?


You can hear Nicoles hatred and distain of the commissioners in her writing! Talk about selective reporting... do better NR


Guessing you'd prefer it if the article's title was "Glorious County Commissioners can do no wrong"


IMO this wreaks of severe mismanagement, poor performance, and expensive failures on so many levels. Commissioners not performing their responsibilities, county admin not performing their responsibilities, (while drawing a huge salary), and in the meantime making liberal proposals like let's hire more ineptitude. The entire whitehouse needs a house cleaning. The commissioners created the labor problems and continue to pour fuel on that fire. Counties much larger than Yamhill County do not have near the level of administration that we do - and now the discussion is to add more. Berschauer says "we've grown to the point that we need help". No Lindsay, looking at bug=dget history the county has not grown, it is the BOC's inability to run the county has created this dumpster fire. In the meantime, important things like a reliable public safety radio system are in an expensive state of disrepair due to mismanagement of pure lack of attention to the important things. Do your jobs, run the County with at least a minimum understanding of leadership and this issue will be solved. Don't hire more people and waste more tax dollars.




Huffer is overworked and tired? Maybe he should spend a day digging post holes (the old fashioned way) and learn what fatigue actually feels like.

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