Rohse: Giant sea scorpions are extinct, and other reasons to be grateful this year

I enjoyed gathering thanks for my 2020 list. Although some of them are rather strange, they are justly deserved. My first choice is for my extremely good fortune to have as a neighbor one who can thwart ...

Rohse: Consider a culinary career

I suspect that some readers will have little interest in this column when they discover it has to do with recipes and chefs and the culinary profession. But hang in there. You may be surprised. You may, ...

Rohse: Our many odd turns of phrase

My Webster’s dictionary is said to include more than 450,000 entries. When you start putting these words together, it’s no wonder that some strange combinations result. One of these is, “Keep ...

Rohse: It's time to manage those minutes

I’m often out of sorts because I don’t have enough time. True, I am allotted exactly the same number of hours and minutes as you, but I would just like more time in each day. Although I am ...

Rohse: Brands: Forging a ranch's identity

Cattle ranchers cannot protect livestock from theft or loss as easily as they protect their greenbacks, credit cards and licenses tucked snuggly in billfolds and hip pockets. But they are fortunate that ...

Rohse: Want to feel connection? Join the club

These days, along with virus germs being wafted around, there is a lot of loneliness. How welcome will be the return of those former convivial gatherings and enjoyable camaraderie. If you are feeling ...

Rohse: Proud to be a rare ‘galloneer’

The gallon or so of blood in our body is an amazing thing. Oh, the stories our blood tells our doctors. Oh, the incredible component parts it contains. Oh, its generosity in granting transfusions. Oh, ...

Rohse: Handwashing was once a hard sell

How pleased Dr. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis would be to note that handwashing is being stressed today as one measure to help control coronavirus. He was among the first to focus on the importance of handwashing, ...

Rohse: Homesick for huckleberry season

Every year in late August, I get homesick for huckleberry picking trips. Eastern Oregonians anticipated those trips as much as they did Christmas. Rohse Colored Glasses McMinnville's Elaine ...

Rohse: When inanimate objects conspire

I am absolutely certain many of my inanimate objects have minds of their own — objects such as eyeglasses, car keys, computer, the hot water tap in my shower, even a favorite recipe. Rohse Colored ...

Rohse: The importance of getting on the right track

Long ago, when hunters, trappers and gatherers comprised much of our population, tracking skills were vital to assure adequate food. Today, those skills, along with tinsmithing and carriage and harness ...

Rohse: In Eastern Oregon, danger came with the territory

No one in my hometown of Monument had white-coat syndrome. The reason being: we didn’t go to doctors except when it was vitally important. And the reason for that was Monument had no doctors. Rohse ...

Rohse: In search of the elusive utopian community

For centuries mankind has attempted to establish a utopia, defined as an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities. Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), a scholar ...

Rohse: Bald eagle has proven a worthy national symbol

The bald eagle is the American symbol and also appears on the official U.S. seal. But historians have asked that at one time, instead of the eagle, the turkey was being considered for this honor. Rohse ...

Rohse: Savoring the feat of graduating

Recent activities pertaining to high school graduations that necessitated elimination of customary festivities reminded me of my graduation ceremony at our high school many years ago. My senior ...

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