Letters to the Editor: Dec. 16, 2016

Letter from Santa From:  Santa To:  America. We are behind schedule in making toys and may be a tad late in coming down your chimneys. The problems started when Trump began his presidential ...

Letters to the Editor: Dec. 2, 2016

Dog a real problem I am sure the incident of the lady who shot the “running dogs” is a horrible nightmare for her and her family. There is undoubtedly more to this story than the incident ...

Letters to the Editor: Nov. 25, 2016

Justice was served Let’s get this straight. Two years ago, a Latino member of our community walks into a 7-Eleven across from Linfield College and stabs to death our student athlete, Parker Archie ...

Letters to the Editor: Nov. 18, 2016

Fight hatred The post-election hate speech, bullying and physical violence toward people whose race, religion, heritage, sexual preference or mobility differs from our own is both frightening and unAmerican. We ...

Letters to the Editor - Nov. 28, 2014: Sept. 30, 2016

Don’t disturb Fox Ridge For years many of us have enjoyed and valued Fox Ridge Road as a mile-long escape from urban stress. It’s a winding country road with wild turkey and deer crossings; ...

Letters to the Editor: Sept. 9, 2016

Reject hate speech On August 5, you published a letter that I cannot  describe as anything but racist. For a month I have pondered how to respond. This letter was written in response to the comments ...

Letters to the Editor: Sept. 2, 2016

Health costs too high Why is it that Canada (and every other industrial nation) can provide first class health care to its citizens at half the cost we spend in the good ol’ USA? I believe, plain ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 19, 2016

Time for tough love Every week for the last several weeks, the homeless issue is at the forefront of local news, especially here at home and in Portland. The Aug. 2 News-Register article “Street ...

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 5, 2016

Pool hardly a success This is my response to Pat Swanick’s July 29 Viewspoints commentary, “A community success story.” Just to be clear this is Andrew Davis, the non-winemaker. How ...

Letters to the Editor: July 22, 2016

Turkey Rama for the birds When will the appropriate people finally admit that Turkey Rama no longer represents this community? It’s time to move on and bury the turkey. I don’t know where ...

Letters to the Editor: July 15, 2016

City needs new rec center I’m writing to express my support of a new parks and recreation bond. I was pleased to see the July 5 front page article in the News-Register dreaming of this same thing. ...

Letters to the Editor: July 8, 2016

Abortion not murder Susan Paz’s letter equating abortion with murder deserves a response. Her position presupposes a determination of the controversy over when human life begins. The physiology ...

Letters to the Editor: July 1, 2016

Abortion is murder The right to one’s own life takes precedence over all lesser rights, such as another’s privacy, choice or convenience. Government-sanctioned murder is immoral, and the ...

Letters to the Editor: June 17, 2016

Requiem for an RV park The Mulkey RV Park sign on Highway 18 has been removed, so I guess the park is a thing of the past. I know nothing about the history of the park, except that some have lived there ...

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