By Emily Bonsant • Of the News-Register • 

Yamhill fire district board cautioned to follow proper procedures

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If the News Register is going to report on the Yamhill Fire Board meetings, they need to report what really happened. The last paragraph states that the board did not discuss either topic. On the YouTube video at 48:49 minutes, it shows discussion on both of the topics. Oath of office, another board meeting was schedule to appoint a new board member. Oath of office was done at that meeting.


From my personal experience, some of these "corrections" that Randolph and her band(Peasley) are spewing aren't corrections at all. For the N-R to state that there was "an array of apparent meeting violations" is completely inaccurate. Please don't just repeat and highlight the inaccurate information that's being thrown out by Randolph and her buddies to try to cover up the apparently felonies that have been committed by the former chief.

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