By Emily Bonsant • Of the News-Register • 

Yamhill Fire critics shift to concerns over transparency

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What Randolph failed to say is that she couldn't get enough signatures on a recall petition for it to proceed. It has nothing to do with saving any money. Filing an ethics complaint on baseless claims will expend way more money than a recall would have. Check out the other article about the former Chief that Randolph is trying to defend. She continues to try to deflect the attention away from where it should be - on the person who made poor choices with the District's money. She's trying to blame three Board members for the apparent actions of a felon. Fortunately, law enforcement and the DA's office are pursuing the actual action that should be happening based upon the apparent poor choices of the former chief. Randolph's profanity based outbursts and continued slander toward three Board members are doing nothing to help former Chief Bergstrom.


Exactly right Baker. Lauren Randolph should be sued for defamation.Brown, Van De Grift and Phillips should not be mentioning as the evil doer. Does Lauren think these three were standing there with the fire chief watching him pull out the credit card and work on his truck? These people volunteer endless hours trying to do the right thing for the fire department and look what happens. Lauren should mind her own peas and cues and await the defamation lawsuit.

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