
Williams: Don’t let affiliations thwart lifesaving medical decisions

About the writer: Bruce Williams is a McMinnville medical practitioner of long standing. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and former member of the National Health Service Corps.

A practicing physician’s response to the county commissioners’ request for information about vaccines:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak of the impact of vaccinations. As a frame of reference, I was born in 1955 and have experienced directly or indirectly many of the illnesses now prevented with vaccines, both personally and as a practicing physician.

Most poignantly, I attended grade school in the 1960s with two classmates affected by congenital rubella syndrome. They suffered from vision loss and severe hearing impairment.

Prior to the rubella vaccine becoming available in 1969, some 60,000 children in America were born every year with congenital rubella syndrome. Now it is a few hundred a year.

Many patients over the years have come my way with limb weakness from polio. A significant percentage have suffered post-polio syndrome, a progression of their weakness in late life after earlier damage from the virus.

It is worth noting that Jonas Salk, developer of the first polio vaccine in the 1950s, chose not to patent his work, leading to almost worldwide eradication of the disease over subsequent generations. He was also a strong advocate for mandatory vaccination programs.

Sadly, polio is still present in the US, with a case of paralytic polio occurring in an unvaccinated man in 2022 in New York state. The case prompted the study of lake water in the state, and dozens of samples proved positive for the virus.

Measles (usually in an atypical form) and whooping cough (Pertussis) are always around, and I have seen both illnesses.

A new outbreak of traditional hard red measles is currently active in Florida at a school where more than a hundred children have never had a vaccine. More cases than the 6 reported so far are anticipated.

Severe complications include blindness and, for about one out of every thousand children infected in a modern Western country, death. The death rate in other parts of the world can be much higher.

Side effects I have seen to vaccine inoculation include malaise, low-grade fever, musculoskeletal aches and pains, and local swelling. I’ve had one patient in my career with swelling of her entire arm after a pneumonia vaccine, which resolved over a few weeks.

Patients have reported to me reactions such as Guillain-Barré, but I have never seen such a thing myself. Severe reactions are, fortunately, very rare.

The development of vaccines for severe communicable illness is one of the most amazing aspects of modern life. It began with Edward Jenner using cowpox to protect against smallpox 250 years ago.

The recent use of HPV vaccines to prevent cervical and head and neck cancers illustrates the broad potential for vaccines in the future.

Obviously, the benefits of a vaccine or a vaccine program must outweigh the risks. This calculation is the everyday work of public health professionals, who base their decisions on carefully derived data.

Making policy decisions based on religious conviction or wistful thinking is not appropriate. The decisions can get more complex when vaccine programs are made mandatory for the good of an entire society, but the benefits are clear when one takes into account past experience and realizes that the diseases we are speaking of have not disappeared, but are simply lying dormant, waiting for the opportunity to maim and kill again.

As for COVID 19, the situation that has evolved in the United States with regard to the virus and various vaccines for it is remarkable.

When this protean virus came on the scene four years ago, it initially caused respiratory illness ranging from the sniffles to fatal pneumonia. Over time, it became clear the virus is capable of much more.

A number of my patients died in the early years of lung complications, including a 36-year-old father after three months in intensive care at the Oregon Health Sciences University Hospital. Last year, a 48-year-old male patient came in with multiple pulmonary emboli due to COVID.

Two years ago, a 60-year-old woman I see suffered dozens of strokes and remains aphasic. I have had patients with COVID suffer renal failure, diabetes, heart attacks, and lingering “long COVID.”

The virus makes brain disease such as Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s worse, with brain infection occurring commonly. Loss of smell is a sign the virus has invaded the brain.

The vaccines — developed in record time, based on 20 years of research — are remarkably helpful.

However, in this country, their use has not kept up with that of the rest of the world, and the consequences are well-documented. The average life span has declined in the U.S., as a million Americans have died needlessly.

Vaccine hesitancy is present in my everyday practice.

From my perspective, the sad part is that it’s not based on a rational analysis of the risks and benefits, rather upon group identification. Patients decide whether or not to get a COVID vaccine based on a Facebook group or church they visit, and the risk of losing acceptance in that group or church, rather than a clear appreciation of the benefits and rare difficulties associated with vaccines.

Sadly, vaccine partisanship has cost us many, many lives. COVID will likely be with us for many generations, and the vaccine is very powerful in preventing serious disease.

People should keep up with their shots, especially if they are past 50. That way, we can maintain a reasonably open society and continue to socialize reasonably freely.

People with symptoms should wear a mask for a week, for the good of their friends and family.



"A number of my patients died in the early years of lung complications, including a 36-year-old father after three months in intensive care at the Oregon Health Sciences University Hospital. Last year, a 48-year-old male patient came in with multiple pulmonary emboli due to COVID.

Two years ago, a 60-year-old woman I see suffered dozens of strokes and remains aphasic. I have had patients with COVID suffer renal failure, diabetes, heart attacks, and lingering “long COVID.”

The virus makes brain disease such as Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s worse, with brain infection occurring commonly. Loss of smell is a sign the virus has invaded the brain."

Of course, what is described above exemplifies injuries caused by the C-19 injections.

And renal failure & death from Remdesivir & vents.


The appearance here is mere circular reasoning: Injuries therefore "the virus."

Injuries blamed on no more than a spook.

A valid control group would show that the C-19 injections are lethal.

That means comparing rates of injury for the C-19 injected v. no C-19 injections.

"Safe & effective"?

No, lethal & effective only at maiming and killing.

Early on, good doctors stopped the injections:


Professor Bhakdi warns - Blood Clots have been confirmed to be formed (rumble.com)

Pfizer wanted to keep this report secret for 75 years.
It was obtained via court enforced FOIA:

Report Prepared by:
Worldwide Safety Pfizer

5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (phmpt.org)

Superior analysis by Michel Chossudovsky:

Pfizers-Secret-Report-on-the-COVID-Vaccine-Beyond-Manslaughter--The-following-video-interview-w (odysee.com)


The ingredients of the C-19 injections are not disclosed.

It may be assumed that they are not all the same.

Graphene is a likely, but non-disclosed ingredient.

There is certainly a technology component.

Pfizer itself claims that its 2023 - 2024 flu shots use C-19 technology.

That puts flu shots, and others, under equal suspicion.

Consider also that the breathable air column is saturated with nano-scale:

Aluminum, barium, strontium, polymer fibers and graphene compounds.

Again, the resulting illnesses may be blamed on "the virus."


Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up


Early on, Microbiology 101 was enough to sound the alarm:

C-19 injections are advertised as gene-based "therapy."

Causing cells to produce non-self-proteins.

But that can only lead to autoimmune attack.

Regardless of whether the non-self-protein is related to a real virus.

If the non-self-protein is itself toxic, then there is more danger.

Note the explosion in aggressive cancers.

Never mind the danger of transfection.

Which threatens the genetic heritage of homo Sapiens.

💉💥 Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Has a Short and Sweet Warning to Mankind Regarding the Killer Vaccines (rumble.com)


Guiding Principle:

Contrary results outweigh confirming results.

"There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery."
— Enrico Fermi

Here, evidence for the C-19 injections being lethal is the result. And

that result is contrary to the "safe & effective" hypothesis.

The discovery is that that hypothesis is false.

"Safe & effective" is a lie.


Dan, everyone knows where you stand. Please stop. And please never go to a doctor for anything. You obviously don’t trust them and no more than them.

I will send you $100 to never comment again.

Bill B

Just out from the CDC; 95% of those admitted to the hospital with Covid19 had not received a booster.


Dan, the aluminum dosage from your hat is the one you should worry about.

Bill B

I do think it's understandable that some individuals will fall prey to the conspiracy theories rampant on the internet. It's OK guys, someday you will understand; or maybe not.


The age group 18 - 44 y has a naturally low mortality rate.

Therefore,18 - 44 y provides a superior signal to noise ratio.

Mortality 2023 18 - 44y:

According to OHA, total crude death rate was 177.3 per 100,000 population.

Pre-2020 crude death rate was some 113 per 100,000 population.

That implies some 57% excess mortality.

Which is at least 10 - 20 standard deviations above the mean.

Therefore, this is no statistical fluctuation.

The only cogitable event is the C-19 injections.

Note employer mandates for these young, working age adults.

Crude death rate seasonally decreases to a minimum late summer - early


This trend was reversed in 2021 - after employer mandates.

Crude death rate is the gold standard of mortality statistics.

Binary: Dead v. not dead.

Avoiding the statistical abyss of death by attribution.


Workbook: Oregon year-to-date preliminary death web tables (state.or.us)


To complete the argument:

That much provides a good case that the C-19 injections are lethal.

For even stronger proof:

Break down the mortality data per age group according to:

(i) Total crude death rate

(ii) Crude death rate for the injected

(Commencing from the instant of injection.)

(iii) Crude death rate for those not injected (the control group)

For the 18 - 44 y group above, the expectation would be that the excess

crude death rate for the injected would be materially greater than 57%.

And that for the not injected would be essentially zero (although

other factors, such as post-2019 excess poverty, suicide and so on,

could enter the statistics).

I made a formal Records Request for just that data.

But OHA would not release the more detailed data.

Now, if the C-19 injections were good for you.

If they lowered mortality & morbidity, then I would think the medical

authorities would be falling all over each other to provide that data.

Draw your own conclusions as to why that has not happened.


Could you
Take Up


This is coercion:

"People should keep up with their shots, especially if they are past 50. That way, we can maintain a reasonably open society and continue to socialize reasonably freely."

Barbaric slave masks - an act of self-harm:

"People with symptoms should wear a mask for a week, for the good of their friends and family."



We can't paste actual inks into comments.

I have discovered, to my horror, that simply cutting and pasting

ordinary text into browser probably kicks you into something like a bing

search, and does not take you to the intended information.

But, if you go, for example, to rumble.com, and search there, then

you can find the information.

For example:

Go to rumble.com.

Search for


And you are on your way.

Sorry about that N-R readers!

A real SNAFU on my part.


As another example:

Go to Rumble.com

And in the search bar, type, or cut and paste:

ALERT: Dr. Roger Hodkinson on Heart Damage, Blood Clotting from mRNA Injection (Exclusive)


Never forgive. Never forget | Dr. Roger Hodkinson


Great article!




I suspect our local anti-vaxxer continually regurgitating his nonsense in the comment section also takes issue with mental health care. It would explain a lot.



The Golden Rule of Pregnancy, and one of the most unbroken practices of medicine, is to never introduce novel substances or medicines into a woman’s body when she is carrying a child. This was violated throughout the COVID-19 epidemic under the combined authority of the FDA, the CDC, and organized medicine.



Great Article! Thank you Dr. Williams and thank you News-Register!



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