By News-Register staff • 

Superintendent: Amity construction on track

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Crews are preparing to ‘dry-in’ the future middle school building, now wrapped in distinctive blue moisture barrier. Work is on schedule with the middle school structure as well as the new high school gym.
Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Crews are preparing to ‘dry-in’ the future middle school building, now wrapped in distinctive blue moisture barrier. Work is on schedule with the middle school structure as well as the new high school gym.

At Amity School District, construction of the new middle school and the high school gymnasium is proceeding on schedule.

Meanwhile, just two pieces remain in the remodel of the high school’s 1965 wing — so named for its year of construction. One of those pieces is adding skylights to interior classrooms without windows, which will likely be done over the winter holiday break.

The other, the main entry, should be completed by the break, according to superintendent Jeff Clark. The entry is in use but what remains to be installed are the interior vestibule doors, which are on order. The wing has been seismically upgraded, asbestos abated, and new floors and utility service installed.

All work is on schedule, according to Clark, who called the improvements the largest facilities project in the district since construction of the new elementary school in 1981.

Meanwhile, the middle school structure is framed and bright-blue moisture-seals in place. The section is nearly ready for dry-in, meaning the last of the windows will be installed and interior work can proceed. The middle school is scheduled to be ready for use by summer 2025. The school’s north parking lot has been a work zone in support of the project,

On the other side of the high school, the new high school gym is nearly ready for dry-in and completion by spring 2025. The current high school gym is adjacent to the future middle school, and will become the middle school gym. General contractor is Triplett Wellman of Woodburn.

The high school is made up of two sections: the 1965 wing and another built in 2003, supported by 2002 bond passage.

Both science classrooms have been remodeled and upgrades to the art room included a new ventilation system.

The new middle school will have a separate entrance, with bus service continuing on the west side of the high school along Oak Street. The middle and high schools will be connected via a corridor leading from the current north entrance.

Unaffected by the bond is the existing middle school, on Church Street adjacent to Highway 99.

The bond process dates to 2021 when the district used three state grants to do facility, seismic, and long-range planning assessments. In February 2022, the school board approved going for a bond in May 2022, and the proposal passed.

The upgrades and expansions are funded by a 25-year, $29.4 million construction bond approved by Amity voters in May 2022. The first use of those bond funds happened in summer 2023 at the elementary school, with the remodel of the entryway and upgraded security.

The work will mean classrooms, the senior center (gathering place for 12th graders) and library will get major upgrades and the entire wing will get new plumbing, seismic upgrades, and asbestos abatement. Carpet containing asbestos must be removed; tile adhesive under some flooring also contains asbestos, according to Clark.


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