By News-Register staff • 

Special district candidates can file

Candidates have until March 20 to file with the Yamhill County Clerk’s Office. Applications are available on the clerk’s website, which can be found

As of Feb. 25, candidates who have filed and positions open include:

- Amity Fire District: Position 2, incumbent Amanda Christensen; Position 3, no filing; Position 4, incumbent Thomas Scheible; Position 5, Kaley Fast.

- Dayton Fire District: Position 2 and Position 3, no filings.

- Dundee Fire District: Position 2 and Position 3, no filings.

- New Carlton Fire District: Positions 1, 2 and 3, no filings.

- McMinnville Fire District: Positions 2 and 4, no filings.

- Sheridan Rural Fire District: Position 4, incumbent Ray Bottenberg; Position 5, no filing.

- West Valley Fire District: Positions 2, 4 and 5, no filings.

- Yamhill Fire Protection District: Position 1, no filing; Position 2, no filing; Position 4, incumbent Jim Phillips; Position 5, incumbent Randy Weston.

- Chehalem Park & Recreation: three will be chosen at-large, candidates thus far are incumbent Jim McMaster, Brandan Slyter and Nick Konen.


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