By Starla Pointer • Staff Writer • 

School enrollment near projections

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How much less $ in funding will they receive if enrollment doesn't hit the goal?


High School is so overcrowded..


We need another HS and another MS by the looks of it. But the district has to smarten up, I don't think the voters have ever been cheap with its school bonds, but I remember the bond a dozen years or so ago when the district went a bond for an new west side HS. The design was ridiculous and way too much money and it got killed on election day.

I am in the construction business, and I have worked in at least a dozen districts, maybe 16. Simple and functional is the way to go. West Linn Wilsonville SD is building Frog Pond Primary School right now for a budget of $26 million, which is incredibly cheap as far as schools go. Hillsboro SD builds the same school over and over. We don't need two-story glass atriums, marble arches or monuments. We need simple and functional.


Late start Wednesday is working well for who? Not this parent. And why the big difference in enrollment between Patton and Duniway?

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