By Ossie Bladine • Editor • 

Police: Man arrested twice in a day on weapons, assault charges

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Unbelievable! We need to change our laws for a safer community. We are lucky he didn't make it to 3rd Street where there were numerous events taking place. This could have been a mass shooting. Why wasn't he held for a Physch Evaluation?
Tourist will stop coming to Mac if these types of crimes are not addressed. Time to evaluate our laws for our town, not just for tourism, but us Locals.


#1Aurora... I agree with you completely. This situation had the potential to end much more dangerously. Unfortunately, our police department was bound by State Law SB 48, which mandated his release the first time. No local laws would have changed the outcome of him being released.


Early in the article it is stated a deputy saw the gun being fired, but later the deputy district attorney says the weapon was never found. What happened to it?

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