By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Planning commission approves demo, design for new downtown hotel

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Good sense prevails!


It is about time.


This feels like a huge loss to me. I am so disappointed the planning commission made this choice. One more giant looming building downtown, losing our beautiful small town feel. Basing our builds and businesses on an industry that could die in one season of incompatible weather to grapes, seems very short sighted. Sad.


It’s not built on wine Loretta and if you’re referencing the other “giant looming” buildings those would be the Hotel Oregon and the Mack Theater. AKA the heart of our downtown.


TTT. Don’t forget First Feds ugly building.


Good point chazb. Also adding the OMI monstrosity.


Thankfully, rational thinking has won the day.


I'm glad for fact this decision sets a precedent. McMinnville has been fearful of development and large projects forever. All you have to do is look at the original Shadden claim proposal, and then look at the patchwork workaround what was implemented.

McMinnville is growing and people want to be here. We have to accept that and appreciate new opportunities and change.


Great news!

M. Lazzeri

The buildings being demolished are severely limited in their current and future use by their age and engineering. I see the new project as a long term benefit. Yes it will be different and yes it will change downtown somewhat but this is McMinnville looking forward and not back.


Good news. So glad it's happening!


Congrats Jeb!


Great news! Good decision (finally)


We can now turn into Sonoma California and support the local win and tourism industry. That's where three-bedroom houses are going for more than one million dollars. All of you and your children can afford that. Right?

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