Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Amity 9-year-old Roman Olea crosses the finish line, winning first place in the egg-on-a-spoon race at the Amity Day games in City Park on Saturday. Two more races followed, and Mayor Rachel King passed out extra hard-boiled eggs to the crowd afterward. Amity Day events returned after a few-year hiatus. King said, “You never know how a first time is going to turn out. I’m so pleasantly surprised.” Sabine Buchanan, who helped out at the Amity Fire Auxiliary booth, said bringing back Amity’s summer celebration “makes a lot of people really happy. I’m one of them.”

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##McMinnville’s Joshua Herring, age 7, takes a practice jump while his brother, Elijah, 5, has help getting into his sack from their dad, Justin. At right is Scarlett Johnson, 6, from Wood Village.

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Long lines formed at Amity City Park for food from Connie’s Thai food truck from McMinnville, served by Connie Montiel, in red apron, and her daughter, Andrea Montiel. Connie’s food truck burned down 10 years ago, and this was their first time serving again.

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##Marchant Dance Corporation members walk in the Amity Day parade, after a hiatus in the tradition of several years, to go along with Sunday’s annual fire department pancake feed and car show at Amity City Park. City manager Nathan Frarck said, “A lot of the other small cities in Yamhill County have their day, and Amity didn’t have one. Last year we put out a survey to see what kind of interest there was, and there was a lot of feedback: ‘We want this.’”

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##
Photo Gallery: Fun and games in Amity
Competitive spirit alive in Amity during revived summertime celebration