By Rusty Rae • Of the News-Register • 

Newberg protesters call for school leadership change; Radich named interim superintendent

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This is why you can't have religious zealots in charge of ANY public institutions. Their goal is to gleefully run them into the ground.


That escalated quickly Otis.


But at least they can't fly rainbow flags still right? Their kids education will be damaged for decades, but at least they won't know about gay things. And masks. Because those things are pretty important. Sounds kinda dumb now doesn't it?


I am a Christian but I do not force my beliefs on the public. To do so would be a blatant disregard of our forefathers' constitutional concept of separation of church and state.

These five justified exorbitant waste of time and money, and tremendous pain to others, as adherence to Christian faith.

The leader of the Taliban in Pakistan, Maulana Fazlullah, also believed he was serving God. In the beginning he encouraged people to adopt good habits. Eventually he warned people to stop listening to music, watching movies and dancing. . . it got a lot worse.

You may think it ridiculous to compare the Newberg five to the Taliban. But forcing personal religious rules on others is an age-old theme throughout history and the world. And the result is always tremendous damage, pain and suffering.

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