
Newberg Dog Park reopens

After closing for a few days in response to reports that puppies infected with Parvo had visited the park, the Newberg dog park is back open, Chehalem Parks and Recreation announced on Friday.

The puppies developed Parvo symptoms a few days after they were taken to local dog parks. However,  Veterinarian Kathryn Ellis at Family Pet Clinic of Newberg, said the virus can be shed before symptoms appear.

Chehalem Parks and Recreation Public Information Director Kat Ricker told the News-Register that "our dog park is disinfected and open to the public."

The park was closed for a few days to allow workers to remove items such as toys that could be infected, and treat hard surfaces with a bleach solution.

Parvo, a canine disease that can be fatal, is spread through feces and can remain in soil for months, so the park consulted with veterinarians on disinfection measures.

Ricker said that surfaces such as areas covered with wood chips were wet down to remove contaminants, and areas such as gates, benches and posts were treated with a bleach solution. 

Chehalem Parks and Recreation also reminds pet owners, through its dog park website to “please be sure your dog is healthy, and puppy's first complete set of vaccinations up to date, before taking him/her to the dog park, for the safety of all.”

Ellis also said that many veterinarians recommend not taking puppies to dog parks until they have completed their entire Parvo vaccination series, at 16 weeks. 

She said it's important to make sure they receive the full series, as they otherwise may not be fully protected, and remain vulnerable to the potentially fatal disease. Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea, and dogs showing them should receive immediate medical attention.

The infected puppies also reportedly visited the McMinnville Dog Park, and it remains closed for the time being.



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