By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

McMinnville’s new slate of city leadership takes office

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I'm optimistic about Mayor Morris! She has already demonstrated her leadership by not dismissing Chenoweth's concern, but by recognizing it as a stumbling block for months with regards to appointments, and then stating her solution to review the situation and make necessary changes. At the very least, she submits her collaborative plan to review, discuss and clarify, so everyone clearly understands the charter. Drabkin was heavy handed in her leadership style. Morris has already set the tone for more common sense in her term. Nice!

Aside from that, I commend Chenoweth for standing on his principles. He reminded everyone that he had just taken an oath to uphold the charter, and in his opinion, the appointment process violates the charter. It takes guts to take a stand like that, and I commend him. He's a straight shooter, and I'm glad he represents us.


I think you mean that you appreciate chenoweth’s standing by his principles because they are your principles. I can tell you councilman Geary is extremely principled but I’ve never seen you give him any flowers.


Seems like a blanket no vote on re-appointment of advisory committee members, borders on obstruction. Mr Chenoweth appears to value political capital more than results. The names I see are educated & dedicated citizens. We should thank them for their contribution.

Don Dix

Chenowith or Geary? If you wanted a straight, no BS answer, who would you ask if you wanted to know how and where the $13 W&L fee (tax) was being spent? How about the designation for the $1.50/K tax that is no longer funding the fire dept.?


"Chenowith or Geary? If you wanted a straight, no BS answer, who would you ask if you wanted to know how and where the $13 W&L fee (tax) was being spent? How about the designation for the $1.50/K tax that is no longer funding the fire dept.?"

Who cares how the W&L fee and $1.50/K are being spent?
They must be suspended.
And the taxpayers made whole for those wrongful taxes.
Nothing less will suffice.
Voters did, after all, reject Drabkin, and choose Morris.

Without voluntary remediation by the city:
Voters can claw back those ill-gotten gains by saying no to any new bond measures, taxes, etc., vote against all incumbents, and consider relief in the courts.

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