By News-Register staff • 

McMinnville Police respond to shots fired call

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It actually isn't illegal under Oregon law to be naked in Public. Throwing a full beer can at someone can result in serious injury or even death. However; retrieving a shotgun from your home rather than calling 911 is a bit of overkill. Responding by firing five rounds from a revolver is not only intimidation, it leaves you know on ammunition.


Isn’t it illegal to discharge a firearm inside the city limits? Two individuals fired their weapons and the guy that threw a beer can gets the citation?.


My interpretation of the article is that the naked man retrieved a shotgun but didn't fire the weapon while one of the guys who threw a beer can retrieved a revolver and fired it into the ground to menace the guy with the shotgun. This was really, really stupid as a shotgun seriously outguns a revolver. Naked shotgun guy would arguably be justified in shooting beer can thrower with the revolver.


My interpretation of the article is that the naked man retrieved a shotgun but didn't fire the weapon while one of the guys who threw a beer can retrieved a revolver and fired it into the ground to menace the guy with the shotgun. This was really, really stupid as a shotgun seriously outguns a revolver. Naked shotgun guy would arguably be justified in shooting beer can thrower with the revolver.


Third paragraph from the bottom…



My bad. I do not see where it says who fired first and why. Just FYI, even bird shot retains enough velocity to be lethal from across the street. Buckshot can be lethal at about half a mile. Shotgun slugs or a typical revolver can be lethal at a mile.


Good God, my family is so embarrassing!

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