By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Mayor strips Chenoweth’s committee assignments

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Don Dix

Apparently Drabkin doesn't remember that sour grapes lead to a bad taste in one's palate -- how petty can one be?


Looks like McMinnville has it's very own version of DJT. Retaliation and lashing out publicly against anyone who dares to question any action or inaction is pretty petty and very DJT-ish.


I guess I shouldn’t have expected Drabkin to go down without some sort of backlash. Chenoweth is the ONLY city councilor with the backbone to stand up to her and fight for what is right. I’ve heard that one does not dare cross her, and this is evidence of what repercussions await the one who dares to defy her. Sad to say the rest of the city council panders to her. Stand strong Chris… January will soon be here, and the door will bang her butt on the way out!


We are now learning more about the city “service charge”. When the city implemented this charge we were told it was to pay down a $1.8 million deficit. There was no mention of it continuing beyond that. The city has now collected $3.5 million- or nearly twice what the service charge was for. Now we see that is will never go away, and there is an automatic INCREASE every year based on the CPI. What would happen if we decided to deduct this “service charge” from our bills? It’s nothing more than a tax by another name. It’s just not right.


The difference between this “service charge” and a tax, is the tax can be claimed as an itemized deduction.
Will our new Mayor address the issue?
I won’t hold my breath.


Well I guess she told him! Her behavior seems to fit what we have been hearing about her for some time.


It's great to see that the mayor is holding the councilman accountable for violating his agreements. I hope the new mayor will continue to manage the council with the same reliable ethics Remy has shown. Thank you, mayor.


Borrowing from D. H. Lawrence, Drabkin has "something to expiate: a pettiness".


On the issue of expenses; "Elon Musk to launch leaderboard tracking government spending" Wonder if he has time to launch one for Mac?


Since citizens are going to hold the entire city council responsible for the quality of the police chief hire, it seems to me that the other councilors should have had the guts to join with councilor Chenowith in objecting to our mayors authoritarian rule. Apparently 54% of voters and the police and fire departments agreed.


It's odd the lack of grace she demonstrated when she could have gone out with dignity and a respectful tone. This is childish behavior and Remy is just lashing out because she no longer has control of her world.

Bring on the new Mayor and Councilor, the city has spoken and we don't want you.


Good news. I guess now we can push print and see where the financials stand. The old software must have been pretty bad. Maybe the new accounting software will tell us who the city paid $36,000 to for an online poll about the fire department tax. I'll bet the forensic audit will.

In watching the candidate forums, the one thing that came across loud and clear was narcissism. Welcome, Mayor Morris!


First of all, Chris Chenowith has aright to speak out when he sees something not right, in fact he is obligated to do so because that’s why we voted him in office. She is doing what everyone claimed Lindsay did which was to try and silence those who oppose her. Second, the article states “Chenowith did not respond to Drabkin’s announcement”, could be because she didn’t allow him time to respond and also maybe he chose the higher ground. I will continue to support Mr. Chenowith because he is FOR the people.


Well, Ms. Drabkin, how about looking at your behavior? You are collecting on two bond issues that are no longer valid. One is for a fire district that doesn't exist. The other is for a $1.3million bond and you've collected over $3million.

I want a refund and the people of Mac deserve refunds.

And what are you doing with the excess money? Putting it in the General Fund? Bond issue proceeds are only for the bonds. If you're using it for other operations, you are violating the law and maybe a lawyer needs to look into this.

I want my money back.


"You are collecting on two bond issues that are no longer valid. One is for a fire district that doesn't exist. The other is for a $1.3million bond and you've collected over $3million."

Serious business.
Voters did right in this race.


Fiddler- shouldn’t we be talking to the entire council about those issues?


Further confirmation that Morris was the right choice. Everything is inclusive until someone has a different opinion, then it's time to publicly chastise them for not falling in line.

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