By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Mac W&L OKs property sale for new rec center

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FYI small typo: Tom "Tankersley" not Tankersly


This is a snooker job.

The city has a rec center. They don't take care of it. Now they want a new shiny object (new rec center) to let rot?

Take care of what you have!

The track is FILTHY.
At least 2 light fixtures are out.
The upstairs carpet needed replacing 40 years ago.
The upstairs seats are broken.
Chink the masonry.
Replace the roof.

You're running people out of town will all your bond issues. You're like teenagers, fascinated by everything smelling of 'new' while your room is in need of disinfectant and rat control.

Soon Trump and his goons will cut funds. Save money for when the needy need it the most, i.e., when Title XIX is history, or when the feds cut funding for Medicaid and Food Stamps.

We don't need another shiny object. Stop taxing us. Fix what you have and be thankful for it.

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