Letters to the Editor: Sept. 6, 2024

No cause to celebrate
As the screaming military planes flying over my backyard disrupted my weekend, I couldn’t help but remember that similar F-16 jets have spread death and destruction around the world for the past several decades.
They weren’t built for entertainment. They were built to kill and destroy.
While residents of McMinnville put up with the noise — and some even pay to sit directly beneath it — those subjected to the lethal barrage of weaponry these planes deploy overseas can only cower in fear. The survivors are left to bury the dead, heal the wounded and try to rebuild their homes.
And make no mistake: Most of the people killed by these jets were not military fighters, guerrillas or terrorists. They were civilians.
Why the city of McMinnville thinks this is something to celebrate is beyond me.
Mark Davis
Editorial applause
I’m just writing to tell you how much I applaud your editorial, “Be a voter in November; better yet, be a candidate.” Very good and thought-provoking article.
Judy Hromyko
Don Dix
After reading the rant by Mark Davis, it appears there are many things that are 'beyond' him.
I agree with Mark Davis’s recent comments about the air show.
In part: “Why the city of McMinnville thinks this is something to celebrate is beyond me.”
I am a lifelong aviation enthusiast, and pilot.
While I respect the sacrifices made by their operators, and am impressed by the ingenuity that goes into their design, I also think that any exhibition or demonstrations of these dangerous machines should come with an explanation of their purpose and the down side to their operation.