
Letters to the Editor: Sept. 18, 2015

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I strongly agree with Steve Sommerfeld. He has clearly pointed out the inconvenient truth of what this un-enforceable nuclear 'agreement' with Iran will in all probably accomplish.


Could not agree more with Marcia McLeod.

Horse with no name

Mr. Groshong I absolutely agree "We live in a secular society governed by civil laws. Religious law has no place in it, be it from the Bible or the Quran." I haven't seen a religion yet with better law than our Constitution. Our Constitution doesn't command you to kill others that aren't like you for starters. Our Constitution allows for changes in our intellectual growth through amendments, it doesn't keep you stunted in ancient understanding of how humans thought the world worked.

Mr. Fawcett you too have hit the nail on the head "What people resent bitterly is having zealots try to impose those beliefs on all of us." Hypocrites telling you how to live your life, nothing but spoiled fearful children hiding behind fairy tales. These folks want to run our nation. You really have to stay vigilant on church and state separation, else you end up with another goofball theocracy. Look around the world and show me a theocracy or theonomy that works for the good of all it's citizens.

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