Letters to the Editor: Oct. 5, 2018
Measure flouts words of Bible
Measure 105 goes against two major tenets of our society: common sense self-interest and religious heritage and tradition.
Measure 105 would remove protections that prevent local law enforcement officials from targeting people whose only crime is coming to America seeking a better life. Instead of targeting and deporting them, financial self-interest would strongly suggest we let them pay income and social security taxes.
They’ve been here for 10, 15, even 20 years, working for a better life for themselves and their families. They would pay taxes in a heartbeat if we let them. So, let’s let them help close the budget deficit in Oregon, the U.S. and Social Security.
Our religious heritage uses the Bible as its foundation, and the Bible is quite consistent about the treatment of aliens.
Exodus 22:21 and Leviticus 19:33 state, “You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.” Numbers 15:15 says, “You and the alien shall be alike before the Lord.” Deuteronomy 27:19 says, “Cursed be anyone who deprives the alien, the orphan and the widow of justice.” Ezekiel 22:29 tells the Israelites why God let the Babylonians defeat them: “The people of the land (the Israelites) have … oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the alien without redress.”
I’ll cheerfully buy you coffee if you can show me one passage in the Bible that allows us to mistreat an alien. But Measure 105 opens the gates for potential mistreatment.
Jesus’ central message is to love one another. Measure 105 sounds like the opposite of loving one another, so please help me understand how Christians can support it.
Gary Langenwalter
Federal law rules
I’m going to vote yes on Measure 105, to end the Oregon sanctuary law.
The Legislature was greatly in error in not sending the sanctuary law to the voters in the first place, as it raises a statewide issue. It’s a law that ignores and conflicts with federal immigration law, so isn’t good for our country.
The quickest way for any society or country to deteriorate into chaos is to create conflict among laws at various levels of government. People ignore one set of laws, then another, and just wink at laws as they see fit. The result is the lawlessness you see in some nearby countries.
Amnesty after amnesty has been offered those who come into our country illegally and just ignore our laws. The sanctuary law doesn’t provide protection from federal agents, but certainly makes it very difficult for them to do their job.
Those who immigrate legally have done so with honor. They deserve to be permitted to reside in this country, where they have always been welcome.
President Kennedy once offered words to this effect: “If you disagree with a law, that doesn’t mean you can disobey that law.” He used them as a basis for enforcing the right of African Americans to attend colleges in the South.
By enacting a sanctuary law, we are ignoring federal immigration law. To accomplish their intent, sanctuary supporters would need to change federal immigration law.
John Englebrecht
A vote for integrity
This letter is written in support of Chris Chenoweth, candidate for McMinnville City Council in the Nov. 6 election. His candidacy is a totally selfless act, as the position is voluntary and unpaid.
As a councilman, Chris would provide the leadership to restore McMinnville’s status as a city where the welfare of the residents is paramount in council decisions. A vote for Chenoweth is a vote for integrity, responsibility and keen foresight for the future of the community.
Roy Webster
Peralta in Ward 1
I attended the Oct. 1 city council candidates forum organized by Zero Waste, and came away convinced Sal Peralta is the best-qualified candidate in Ward 1. Sal showed he puts in the time learning about issues in the community and is willing to work in collaboration with others to help find the best solutions.
Local government thrives on the dedication and cooperation of its leaders. I show up at most city council meetings, and appreciate the effort put in by the elected volunteers at the front of the room McMinnville a better place to live.
You may not agree with all the decisions they make — I don’t — but still know all perspectives have been considered.
Since Sal Peralta was appointed to the Council earlier this year, he has become a thoughtful contributor to the decisionmaking dialog. The community would be best served by electing him to a full four-year term in November.
Mark Davis
Responsive to transit needs
We have a chance this fall to elect Casey Kulla to replace Stan Primozich as county commissioner.
Casey has a willingness to meet the people. It’s important to know what the people need so you can aid citizens in achieving their goals.
Casey understands that the county transit system is not meeting the needs of the elderly and disabled. He’s an honorable man who is willing to help all.
Casey has attended meetings of Friends of the Bus, held the first Tuesday of the month. He knows that we elderly have been denied connections needed to get to grocery stores, bank and pharmacies for six years now.
These are not all the problems we’ve encountered either. Here’s one that was thrown at us just before Thanksgiving last year: First Transit said there would be no service on Black Friday, the top shopping day of the year. Canby’s transit system offers $1 shopper runs five days a week, but not here.
Also, the system won’t allow the non-driving elderly to be dropped off on Third Street. Visitors are welcome there, but not the older population, who can’t even get around our great city.
We want to live our last days in independence. And Casey is willing to help us get what we need.
Stan’s focus is on commuter traffic. He said at one of our meetings, “We can’t help everyone.”
Let’s have a change in politics. Let’s open our hearts and welcome a new beginning with Casey Kulla.
Casey will help get us back to being responsible for our elderly and disabled.
Martha O’Donnell
Kulla for commissioner
Casey Kulla would be a welcome addition to our county board of commissioners. Having a farmer on the board, someone who knows intimately the needs and struggles of those of us who grow crops and tend the land, would be wonderful.
Casey has demonstrated practical problem-solving, evidenced by his successful organic farm. I’m further impressed by his writings on environmental stewardship — issues like land use and resource conservation.
The evidence-based evaluation approach that he champions demonstrates a 21st century perspective on dealing with complex issues. He would make thoughtful, deliberate decisions that are best for all of us.
Casey represents the future. He’s energetic, smart and deeply committed to making our community more livable and inclusive for our children.
For example, he demonstrated, in an article on the subject, his focus on ensuring a clean, adequate water supply. Anyone who lives in the smaller towns in our county understands that reduced access to water is a threat to our continued prosperity.
He would spend your tax dollars wisely. He would make sure you have as much representation on the board as the influential business interests.
Join me in voting for Casey Kulla for Yamhill County commissioner.
E.J. Farrar
Nation’s largest flag
A while back, I was wondering where the largest free-flying American flag might be found. Here’s the proud story:
One morning in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the owner of Acuity Insurance was on a morning walk with his wife. He remarked, “Honey, we need a big American flag,” so they put one up.
The pole is 400 feet tall — nearly 100 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty. Its base is 11 feet in diameter.
The main part of the pole consists of six 65-foot pipe sections bolted together flange style. It required more than 500 gallons of paint.
The flag measures 70 feet by 140 feet, making it the largest free-flying American flag anywhere. It also stands highest in the sky.
Each stripe is more than 5 feet wide, each star nearly three feet across. It can withstand winds of 120 miles per hour.
A Sheboygan County Veterans Memorial stands at the base. For photos and additional information, visit acuity.com/about/flagpole.
Ron Simmons
A necessary update
The News-Register’s editorial of Sept. 28 rejects Measure 105, claiming, “It’s passage would turn back the clock three decades in Oregon.” But sometimes outdated laws need to be repealed to cope with changing conditions.
Few things in Oregon or the U.S. are today as they were in 1987. Today, the U.S. has millions of illegal aliens and struggles to control immigration. So Oregon should stop hampering cooperation between local law and federal law enforcement authorities.
Measure 105 does not turn police into ICE agents, as open-border advocates falsely charge. It just enables better cooperation, which is direly needed.
Sanctuary policies for illegal aliens encourage illegal immigration and destroy the value of citizenship. If anyone in the world can ignore our immigration laws, come to the U.S. and settle here with his extended family, we no longer have a nation.
Citizenship becomes meaningless. What we have left is just a geographic area in total chaos, both environmentally and socially.
Vote yes on Measure 105 and bring Oregon’s law enforcement policies into the new century. See the Stop Oregon Sanctuaries website for more reasons to vote yes.
Elizabeth Van Staaveren
Bar poll questions
I noted with interest that you gave front page coverage to a poll in a story headlined, “Chapman receives bar poll nod over Miller.”
Unfortunately, you did not provide me with information that might have assisted me as a voter. Specifically: (1) Who commissioned the poll? (2) Who paid for the poll? (3) Why was the poll conducted?
I understand that many voters have limited access to the judicial system, so some feedback from the legal community might be helpful in decisionmaking. But it is only helpful to the extent that we voters fully understand what this poll is asking of whom — and why.
Finally, is it of any significance that this poll appears to only involve “peers,” that it does not appear to involve judges, law enforcement officers or any of the other people involved day-to-day with the judicial system?
I am forced to ask: Is this truly news or is it just free advertising? Please help me put this story in some context.
Richard Rouse
Mastering mediation
Eighteen fourth and fifth graders at Dayton Grade School completed mediation training last week. They’re now ready to mediate at school, helping classmates talk through a problem and figure out workable solutions.
The kids took it seriously. They learned how to listen and “bounce back” what they heard, so those in conflict know someone understands. They learned how to “lift off the masks” so those with a problem can see one another and the problem more clearly. They took part in skits showing them why it’s better to help others brainstorm ideas for themselves than present solutions from outside.
They didn’t do this alone.
The city of Dayton welcomed them to City Hall Annex, a special place away from school, so they could focus on learning these skills. And the city staff offered words of encouragement and good wishes for the training.
Volunteer role-play coaches came in to help support the youth when it was time to do their final “real” mediations. The roster included parents, other community members, retired teachers and trained volunteers from Your Community Mediators. A warehouse supervisor helped coach and shared with students how learning mediation skills will help in their jobs after school.
The trainees designed bookmarks for classmates to help spread the news. The bookmarks bore such slogans as “Mediation Rocks,” “Football Players Mediate” and “Pirates Mediate,” along with other personal messages encouraging the use of mediation instead of things that just make a bigger mess and leave people angry or discouraged.
This is Dayton’s 27th year of training students to mediate for fellow students. That’s news worth celebrating!
I am grateful for the Dayton Grade School administration, staff, Parent Teacher Student Organization and school counselor for helping make this happen.
Kathy Beckwith
Hoping it’s not your child
I live on Shadden Drive, which now connects to the development next to us. Since Hill Road is a mess, people are using our street to get to Baker Creek.
The posted speed is 25 miles per hour, but cars are blatantly exceeding this speed limit. I have tried, as have other residents of this street, all to no avail, to get the city to put a stop sign on Shadden and 23rd.
When I first made the request back in July, I was told it would be taken up at a meeting the following week and I should check back. Almost three months later, I’m being told the city is still working on it.
How hard is it to dig a hole and drop in a stop sign?
I have a solution to the city’s problem: Have the city police sit and wait for these numerous cars to fly by.
In one hour, I’m sure enough money will be generated through speeding tickets to pay for the time of both the police and sign crews. Simple, wouldn’t you think?
I’ve called the police and asked them to monitor the street. Of course, nothing has happened.
My son was almost hit by a car. Someone’s cat was hit and killed. I saw a child going to the bus stop almost hit by a car clearly exceeding the speed limit.
I guess nothing will be done until a child is hit and killed. I hope it’s not your child.
Tanya Bishop
Lessons to be learned
The Brett Kavanaugh hearings are sad, but needed.
He has obviously led an upstanding life as an adult, and deserves credit for that.
When he was young, he was expected to sow his wild oats, without regard to what effect it would have on females. He led a life that was acceptable at the time, but is now paying the price.
Our country has always accepted that the males were the leaders, that they would one day grow up to own or manage a company, take the lead at home and possibly become a president or Supreme Court justice. There has heretofore been no regard for the female part of the equation. But now the chicken has come home to roost.
It’s sad that at the time Kavanaugh was a young man, drinking to excess, partying and doing whatever he wanted was accepted. There are at least two lessons to be learned: 1) Drinking to excess isn’t good for anyone, especially one who is under age. 2) Taking advantage of someone who is in a subservient position is unacceptable. (Remember, she was just a girl.)
When it’s time to pay the piper, the price may seem too high. I hope each young person will learn from that.
But I am absolutely ashamed of our elected officials in their handling of this issue. They look like sharks at a feeding frenzy.
Pat Cole
Enthusiasm is contagious
I am writing in support of Zack Geary for city council in Ward 2. Zack is a highly qualified and experienced candidate whose enthusiasm for McMinnville is contagious.
His formal qualifications are strong. He has served on McMinnville’s planning commission and downtown association and the county’s parks board. He has also served as president of the McMinnville City Club. All of the above will make him a good candidate.
As a local musician, I am particularly appreciative of Zack’s efforts to promote the town’s music scene.
From his work on Concerts on the Plaza to his role in the Walnut City Music Festival, Zack has greatly enriched the cultural fabric of our town. And isn’t that the kind of town we all want to live in?
Zack’s community-centered ethos will serve us well. I can’t imagine anyone who would be a better candidate. So, let’s all vote Zack for Mac!
David Sumner
Wildlife column enjoyed
I really appreciate the News-Register publishing articles by Worth Mathewson.
Worth’s observations and knowledge of local wildlife, particularly birds, is amazing to me. And his writing style is captivating.
I know and admire him as a naturalist and hunter.
Jim LeTourneux
Bill B
Richard Rouse raises an interesting question. Are surveys any different that endorsements? Why was a narrow sample survey deemed news worthy?
Don Dix
Bill -- Polls are flawed. Remember Hillary was said to be ahead in every poll? Questions were designed to favor her and denigrate Trump ... then look at the results!
Jeb Bladine
The News-Register has been reporting "bar poll" results related to judicial races for many years. It's a straight-forward question asking which candidate is endorsed by fellow attorneys in the county, with about 80 percent of eligible attorneys participating in this poll. As reported, Miller received the most votes in the primary election bar poll. This is the first time I remember questions raised about reporting the results of those bar polls.
Bill B
"...the first time I remember questions raised about reporting the results of those bar polls." Never really thought about it before, but that's why I read all the comments; some appear to have merit. :-)
Don---While I agree that the polling process is flawed, not always accurate, and receives too much credit from candidates and media, not every poll's questions were designed to favor Clinton...another point that Pollster's would argue is that Clinton did win the popular vote, so there was some validity to their results....
Don Dix
tagup -- California singly gave Clinton the popular vote. Outside Cal., Trump won by 1.4M. California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College (designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections).
Counties -- Clinton 487 -- Trump 2626
States -- Clinton 20 -- Trump 30
The polls had her becoming the president, which didn't happen. The popular vote only goes as far as the state in which it was cast, and makes no difference nationwide.
"Jesus’ central message is to love one another. Measure 105 sounds like the opposite of loving one another, so please help me understand how Christians can support it."
And MS-13 gang members, sexual predators, habitual drinkers and drivers, and domestic violence abusers are just going to suddenly stop what they are doing because Jesus said so. *face palm*
Cut-n-paste into browser:
I can go on and on and on...and I doubt Jesus even entered their minds when committing their crimes.
Legal immigration is fine, but illegal immigration is not. It doesn't matter if they have been here five minutes or 15 years...they have no right to be here consuming scarce resources meant to be enjoyed by legal immigrants, but most of all American citizens (to include naturalized ones).
Que paso con la regla de oro?