
Letters to the Editor: Oct. 16, 2015

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Circuit Court Judge Ronald W. Stone - So, what you are saying is that less guns make us safe? If you ask the NRA the only solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy or guys with a gun. But, then again the NRA, a lobbyist for the gun manufacturers, just wants to sell more guns. They don't care if little kids are cut in half as a result.

Horse with no name

Excellent point Mudstump. I still don't understand why there are exceptions to going through the checkpoint for weapons if safety is the goal. A police officer with a weapon is fine, that is part of their job. I don't think a County Commissioner or Judge with a pistol in their pants is any different that the citizen with a concealed carry permit. Is it just OK for Allen and the Judge to feel safe at work? There are more than one example of employees coming to work and killing people with guns. Why the big loophole?

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