
Letters to the Editor: Nov. 27, 2015

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Don Dix

Well Milo, Obama may have 'pardoned' two turkeys, but his Thanksgiving dinner did include the following ....

Thyme Roasted Turkey
Honey-Baked Ham with Apricot-Mustard Glaze
Prime Rib and Creamed Horseradish

Poultry, pork, and beef ... seems that the pres. doesn't do vegan!


In addition to Don's comments Milo, Obama also made a point of going to a homeless shelter with his daughters to specifically serve.....Turkey's.

CANDIED Yams and pumpkin pie and you are worried about being a butterball because of Turkey? Very funny.

In all seriousness though could you please educate us and yourself as to which specific hormones are in US commercial Turkey's...or were you talking about the GMO vegetable's and grains?

In the meantime our next turkey is preparing for its place as "guest of honor" for Christmas!

Horse with no name

Nice letter Milo. Good to hear you're taking care of yourself and sharing how to do it with others. Have a great holiday season!

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