
Letters to the Editor: Nov. 20, 2015

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Larry Larson - Roundabouts reduce traffic fatalities from head-on and right-angle collisions. They save drivers gas and are cheaper to maintain once built. I don't enjoy sitting at stop lights do you? I would much rather be merging and moving on to my destination.


Mr. Emory,

Maybe the "Linfield Community" should offer to buy-out the lease and/or the property, rather than trying to shame Mr Stocks and the city into doing their bidding.....Seems to me that as a private institution, Linfield has no right to dictate terms to any other business, or the citizens of McMinnville.


Richard F. Emery - I hate to break it to you, but your side lost. A majority of voters chose legalization over an uncontrolled black market. In a democracy the minority must accept the outcome like it or not. People have and will always use marijuana for a variety of reasons. The drug wars have failed and it is an embarrassment that we have so many people in prison for low level drug offenses. Imo, it is morally wrong to ruin a person's life and potential livelihood for merely possessing a small portion of a plant.

Don Dix

Merilyn Reeves writes (when speaking of Riverbend) .... "Forget expansion and further appeals." .... Seriously! After filing hundreds upon hundreds of land use appeals, Mrs. Reeves and her cohorts are abandoning the appeal process? In other news, the former 'first lady' (Cylvia Hayes) has been chosen as Oregon's Citizen of the Year!

Horse with no name

Dear Mr. Emery, Relax everything will be OK. The 7-11 has more harmful products in it than a pot store, unless you eat the chocolates with palm oil... that stuff will plug an aorta.

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