
Letter to the Editor: Sept. 11, 2015

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Jason Willoughby - I for one am sick and tired of Christians ramming their bible down our throats. You seem to pick and choose which parts of the bible best fits your political agenda. You say you are adamantly against same-sex marriage yet you idolize a woman who got pregnant during an adulterous affair while she was still married. To top it off...she has been divorced three times and married four times. What does Jesus say about divorce? Answer: A lot. What did Jesus say about homosexuality? Answer: nothing. What you don't seem to understand is that you are free to hold your Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage. What you can't do under our Constitution is impose your beliefs upon others in a way that denies others of their rights. If you don't like it you are free to move to a country ruled by religious dogma...like, Iran, Saudi Arabia or even the Vatican City. Otherwise, stop with all the whining and cries of persecution, treat people equally and follow US laws. Btw, the only tyrants here are Christians who want to change the laws to sanction and legalize their bigotry. That just isn't going to happen. Good job NR...the editorial was excellent and right on.

Horse with no name

I thought the editorial was excellent. We are Americans first, religion is nothing but divisive by it's very nature. The love part of religion only happens if you agree with the particular religion, no room for anyone else's life. People that think their religion is going to make our Country better by adopting their rules are delusional, divisive and a little too "out there" to bring anything rational and constructive to the governmental process.

Horse with no name

Rob Schulman, I agree with you totally and appreciate your bringing this issue up. Priorities have to be adjusted for long term solutions. Voters that know in their heart what is right, need to get off their butts and vote for laws and politicians that are progressive in their views to tackle these problems. The same ol' same ol' hasn't worked and only causes more grief.


Mudstump? You seem to be a very angry and bitter person. You accuse Christians of ramming THEIR Bible down YOUR throats, while you ram YOUR political agenda (same sex marriage etc) down ours. How can you not see the irony of this?, And NO ONE idolizes this LIBERAL DEMOCRAT woman who refused to endorse these marriages. But we do not berate her like YOU do. By your logic (and that term is used loosely for you) all Christians are NEVER allowed to object to anything they find offensive, because all Christians sin..,.REALLY???? So, since we all sin, including YOU, we are never allowed to judge others behaviors? If that is the case, then YOU sir, are the hypocrite, because your whole post is judgmental. If you cannot see THAT than you are delusional indeed.


gogetajob - I guess if you want to call obeying the law and the Constitution a political agenda...then yes, I'm guilty.

Horse with no name

gogetajob - ease up big fella I think someone else has that job: Romans 12:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.


gogetajob - "Mudstump? You seem to be a very angry and bitter person."

You are the only one screaming here.


Mudstump: part of the law says there can and should be religious exceptions, which is what she was asking. And speaking of ramming things down our throats,the anti religion agenda does that all the time. For god sake we cannot even say Merry Christmas, without fear of YOU and your agenda getting their panties in a wad, and god forbid anyone dare pray publicly during a high school food ball game, the anti religion agenda will indeed ram THEIR agenda down our throats, and you know it. And since you are so for abiding by the law, I assume you have chastised the Gov of our state as well as the POTUS and the Sec of state? Or that would make you a hypocrite. And no mudstamp, since no one can Scream in the written word, I see nothing I said as angry. However, your post was dripping with distaste of Christianity. As well as the typical rant of a liberal, calling anyone who disputes you a bigot. As typical of the liberal agenda, you and your type are offended by EVERYTHING! Offended by a word, a Team name, for gods sake you libs are offended by men and women s bathrooms. lol You want "gender neutral " bathrooms in grade school. If you think THAT is law abiding and in the constitution, than please let me know where that is in the constitution.


Mudstamp: So sorry that my posts are posting twice, do not know why.


Horse with no name: What Job was I trying to do that belongs to the Lord? And better not quote the Bible, mudsamp will get his panties in a wad.


gogetajob...go get a life, try not being so much of a screamer


gogetajob - You seem like someone who thinks this country owes them something because of your faith. I'm sure you already realize that religious institutions have special status in the way of tax breaks. We all pay more because churches pay little of nothing in the way of taxes, yet you seem to feel like the whole country is out to deny you your faith. Go ahead....practice your faith, pray, meet at your place of worship, etc... Just remember that your efforts are supported by me and everyone else that pays taxes. If you want to say Merry Christmas...go ahead. Who is stopping you? Who could stop you? I am not attacking those Christians that are good and faithful followers of Jesus Christ. There are many who do great works for those in need. They volunteer and give of themselves tirelessly when others won't and when the government is inefficient in doing so. I have a problem when some religious folks use their religion as a battering ram and work to enact biblical law in our government. It is the radicalized Christian right that I object to. You know the ones that scream about being persecuted while persecuting others. Those that claim their rights are being denied while they fight to deny the rights of others. These people know little about American ideals and what this country was founded upon. There is no place in a just society for those that would deny others of their right to find happiness just like everyone else.


gogetajob: I direct your attention to 1 Thessalonians 5:17: "Pray without ceasing."
Not "scream without ceasing."
Happy Holidays!


lu lu: Can you hear me thru the computer? Wow, you need help. Does the newspaper speak to you as well? And try not to use big words like "pray" that you do not understand. Yamhillbilly: You too hear thru the computer, that explains so much. lol I see that Mudstamp did NOT respond to my post...shocking. lol Your hate of all things religious are sad indeed mudstamp. You libs are the best at playing victims: I want my fair share (as long as you do not have to work for it) I want free food, birth control (yet I want the government to stay out of my bedroom, except to give me free abortions, birth control etc) Libs are the party of the perpetually offended. Offended by Merry Christmas, offended by God Bless you, offended by "girl toys and boy toys" at Target (that one takes the cake) yet not one of you have responded to THAT...gee I wonder why, Could it be because you see the idiocy it it and are embarrassed? Mudstamp: Organized religion has ZERO to do with personal faith, or are you too blinded by hate of religion to see that? By the way mudstamp, I do not go to Church, never really have, so no skippy, I do not think this country owes me anything, unlike the liberals who think that the country owes them a job, food, shelter etc. And that is why the entitled will always vote for libs, they cannot wipe their bum without the government telling them how to use the TP and paying for the TP. How do you libs get up in the morning without your daddy, big government waking you? So no, I want zero from the government, I want them to stay out of EVERY aspect of our life's, including MARRIAGE.


gogetajob - It is futile to engage in a rational conversation with someone who is so full of Kool-Aid they will no longer listen or see anything but what is force fed to them by TV millionaires. Someday the gullible will awaken from their stupor and wonder what happened to their country. In the meantime, have a great day.


Jason. The role of an Editorial is to voice an opinion. The NR did that in a reasoned way. The paper also printed your letter of response. The essence of fair play. They probably did not like your opinions any better than you like theirs. But they shared. Then comes the commentators who I've begun to see love these discussions. How quickly they devolve. I ask myself what label should I assume if I think the American principle of the separation of church and state is fundamental to our history and to our future. Separation of church and state is a beautiful, revolutionary idea, and many have fought and died to insure it endures. Those who would dismantle it are legion. I respect a person of conviction, even if I do not agree with them. All through history people of conviction have had to face the existential decision to moderate their conviction or face the consequences of holding on the them when their convictions are not in sync with their time. Unfortunately, as our American founders knew, people of strong religious faith throughout history have been very adept at placing people of differing convictions with difficult life or death existential decisions.


gogetajob: Get thee to a psychiatrist.


Coolidge, Arizona - Arizona council moves toward allowing only Christian prayer
The Associated Press
POSTED: 09/16/2015 03:58:55 PM MDT| UPDATED: ABOUT 21 HOURS AGO

The city council voted to allow only Christian prayer at government meetings. Is there any doubt as to what the ultimate goal of the radicalized christian right might be? Next up....fights as to which brand of christianity will be acceptable.


Lulu Mudstamp: I see neither of you responded to my post. Shocking, a liberal with zero defense. And lulu, since YOU and madsap are the one's that seem to hear yelling thru the computer,perhaps it is you who need to seek help. Although, if you drink too much kool aid, you will hear many things I am sure. Good luck with that. Perhaps your bigotry towards Christians is because you have no idea what you are talking about, or maybe you are just a bigot because you hate, either way, as I say, good luck with that. Feel free to have the last hateful word, I will pray for you...if that offends you, I am sorry. As I said, feel free to have the last word. :)


God just told me to tell you to stuff a sock in it. He truly did.


Mudstump, obviously it must make you feel so much better about your unaccountable immoral life that now you can slam Christians..which for the most part do not ram the Bible down others throats...however the Bible does prophesy that in the end times wrongful people will turn against Christians..again obviously Mudstump you are an example of one of those embracing their right to be part of that prophesy..


gogetajob- if you are not a screamer, what are all the caps about? SCREAMING!!! You spend a lot of time calling others bigots, what are you? Look at your comments and try telling me you aren't full of hate and intolerance for anyone who chooses not to follow your Christian voodoo

no pc nonsense

I find it odd that gogetajob was called a bigot, by those who called Christianity voodoo.


I agree, no pc nonsense.

no pc nonsense

Mudstamp and lulu seem to hate Christianity, or they would not feel threatened by having it, as they say, "stuffed down our throats". Perhaps they are weak minded and cannot thing for themselves. I, for one, think that the only for of bigotry that is allowed, and in fact Celebrated, is Christian-bashing. "Christian Voo Doo" "God told you to stuff a sock in it" I do not know whom she was referring to, but that is just nonsense and disrespectful, as well as not very kind.

Silver Fox

The News Register comments pages have become a sullied place. There are more Trolls here than in a magic kingdom. I for one, will no longer be reading the comments section.

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