By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Letter to Readers: The Parable of the Gagged Samaritan

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Bill B

Mr. Henderson: After reading many articles written by you, I have come to the conclusion that you do not add value to the News Register. Yes, I know I do not have to read them, but unfortunately, I read everything.

If you had any experience with a catastrophic event or one that can create panic or anxiety, you might appreciate that the best approach is to limit those that are providing information. Otherwise, we have all sorts of information being distributed via the media, much of which is that person’s opinion or is paraphrased by the writer

I’m surprised that this appeared in today’s edition.

Ossie Bladine

Mr. B, I must question the idea that you 'read everything' if you are surprised that a newspaper would print a simple comment challenging an instance of government censorship. It's in the DNA of newspapers to do so.

As for the value of Mr. Henderson, I would post links to the numerous national journalism awards he has won, but I'm sure it would only induce a diatribe about how newspaper contests have been worthless since Watergate.

Thanks for reading!

Ossie Bladine


Bill, today we read that the White House actually gave a briefing on the coronavirus situation and they would not allow any filming or audio recordings of the briefing. It may be the first time anyone can remember the president or VP speaking in an official briefing in the WH and it’s not being allowed to be recorded in any way. WHY? Why can’t we hear them speak. All we get is others reporting what was said. I guess that makes it the WH’s decision to rely on the media to distribute the information rather than allow the public to hear info directly from them. Get off your high horse and wake up to the foolish BS of the Trump administration.


Mr. Henderson - I want to register my appreciation of this article. There is always a reason for secrecy. (In this case it reads like a dangerous cover-up to hide incompetence and protect the prevaricator-in-chief.) If we are unable to root out the truth and the facts, awareness of the attempts to prevent disclosure can provide motivation to dig deeper. In opposition to an earlier comment, I think you add great value to the N/R. Thanks!


Does everything have to be about Donald Trump? As far as I can tell, I've seen someone from the administration on TV everyday recently talking about the coronavirus.

Incompetence? While we were all enjoying the Superbowl, the president had already closed off our border with China only three weeks after the coronavirus was distinctively identified. He took a lot of heat for that unprecedented action, including being called... you guessed it... a racist. There is little question that one act bought us some precious time.

The biggest issue I've seen is bureaucratic lag at the FDA/CDC, emblematic of centralized control, slowing the rollout of testing. That process definitely needs a post mortum once this crisis is over.


RobsNR – I can agree that the administration has been “talking” about our current situation, the problem is that the actual experts have been muzzled and the one with the big microphone is dispensing ego-driven bull (excrement) and vitriol. (Real helpful to call the Governor in Washington State a “snake” and direct the VP NOT to work with him or even say “nice” things?”) And then we all heard the stable genius state that he wanted the sick folks on the cruise ship to remain onboard (and further threaten their health) because if they came ashore it would not be good for his “numbers.” Therein lies his transparent and self-serving agenda: NOTHING, not even health and safety, can be acceptable if he perceives it makes him “look bad.”

Restricting travel was not a bad idea, but it was not anywhere close to what was needed to get a handle on the problem. That was the time to ramp up production of test kits and protective gear for our front line medical personnel. Unfortunately the agencies we need to coordinate a rapid response have been gutted by incompetent political appointees and a total lack of leadership. Know-nothing boot-licking appointees definitely reflect on the one who installed them, unfortunately the rest of us are victimized and left to suffer the dire consequences.

I have been very interested to see if the gross and reckless mismanagement of a national health crisis would finally be the tipping point for the faithful. Guess not. Some continue to cast blame everywhere except where it belongs. If you have faith and confidence in the Trump administration may I observe that loyalty, diversion, gas-lighting, and a false sense of security will not protect you, or anyone you care about, from this communicable disease.


>Restricting travel was not a bad idea, but it was not anywhere close to what was needed to get a handle on the problem. That was the time to ramp up production of test kits and protective gear for our front line medical personnel.

"Not a bad idea?" Really? You can't give him any credit? He closed the border with China down and implemented mandatory quarantines at the end of January. Unprecedented. What was your side doing at this time? Oh yeah, the impeachment trial and pushing for more witnesses to drag it out even further.

With how contagious this thing is the world's fate was sealed by the Chinese communist government early on when they failed to contain it because of their authoritarian style of government.


The irony is breathtaking Robs. At this stage, with these dire implications, you somehow believe this is about "SIDES?" And while you are able to fault China for failures and recognize the disaster of the authoritarian approach, you are NOT able to recognize that same playbook as the crux of our problems here? Astonishing.


You're the one that first politicized this (see your first comment). My first comment is that this doesn't have anything to do with Trump.

I'm just pointing out that if we are going to be hindsight 20-20 and political, that during late January/Early February impeachment, and an extension of the trial, was being pushed by the president's foes as he he had already shut down our border with China in late January. Have we already forgotten the impeachment trial that ended in early February?

You use all these generalities and try to politicize this - I pointed to a very specific action Trump took a lot of heat for in late January that bought us time. You mention the CDC issue. And how exactly was Trump supposed to anticipate and prevent that? Does the man have a PHd in biochem I don't now about? It's probable legacy CDC policies slowed certification for field office tests centralizing early testing - but when exactly did Trump write those policies?

Experts muzzled? They are on tv every day. I just don't know why even this has to be politicized.


That said - I would have locked down travel to South Korea and Italy as we did with China (not just level 4 advisories) the other day - we see people are already breaking their voluntary quarantines. But unlike the vague generalities cited - that is something the president can control like a very likely soon push for an economic stimulus package.


January 8 - Chinese scientists announce discovery of new coronavirus
January 31 - Trump administration (Secretary Azar) declares a public health emergency (retroactive to January 27) - announces China travel ban and mandatory quarantines
January 31 - Resolution to add more witnesses to the impeachment trial voted down in the senate
February 5 - Senate acquits Trump on the charges

Chris Chenoweth

Tom and Ossie,

This reader thinks that what is happening in Oregon or McMinnville regarding this virus is far more important than the steps the administration is taking to limit panic. Will we get some good in depth stories on the preparedness of Oregon?


So, Robs, you make excuses for dear leader by observing that he doesn’t have a Ph.D.? He would be SO disappointed that you underestimate his intellect. Here is a quote from the pathetic reality show he held at the CDC last Friday: (This is also the source of his repulsive remarks about Inslee, and cruel reasoning for keeping sick people aboard a ship - as referenced earlier.)

“I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, how do you know so much about this? Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for President.”
(Donald J. Trump)

(WOW! EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS is in awe of Trump’s brilliance – one more nugget for the already fat file of delusion and assorted ego masturbation.)

And re “muzzling,” are you not aware that all utterances must be cleared by that brilliant scientist Mike Pence lest someone contradict the lies and misinformation being spread by the boss? (We have all the test kits we need, or - it is okay to go to work if you have been exposed but don’t feel sick, or - this will probably be over by April, etc.)

I missed your point about the impeachment and all the actions NOT taken to get on top of the pandemic earlier. (Another inexplicable justification perhaps?)

The most powerful and essential aspect of true leadership is credibility. Sadly any semblance of trust or credibility was chewed up and tweeted/spit out years ago. I agree with Chris Chenoweth’s comment. Our most realistic hope now is the competence of our state and local leadership.



As the president is on TV holding a news conference with business executives regarding the economic response to the virus right now on Fox/Fox Business/CNBC/Bloomberg though not airing on CNN/MSNBC I could see how you might think the issue isn't being adequately addressed by the administration. But because CNN/MSNBC aren't showing it for whatever reason and you might not see it (if those are the networks you watch) doesn't mean the administration isn't addressing the issue.


Robs - not sure what informed your post but that whole disturbing wooden "address" WAS broadcast in its entirety on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show earlier, as well as on ABC (Stephanopoulos provided commentary following the broadcast) plus PBS ran it with commentary too. I can't comment about CNN - I wasn't tuned in - but google reports that CNN ran it live. It seems like you were satisfied with the presentation? Your concerns were addressed? You won't be surprised that it left me more apprehensive than ever. A few knee-jerk actions along with lip service and platitudes will not help us. Did you hear anything about the availability of test kits? About a safe way to administer the testing? One word addressing protection for our medical personnel? Even a single utterance that sounded sincere? Your president is worried about his re-election, having his base recognize how badly this crisis has been/continues to be bungled, and that the "numbers" are already making him look bad. He cares about no one but himself.

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