By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Hotel project at a crossroad

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I don't think we need another boutique hotel on Third St. taking advantage of our tourism industry. This is really frustrating for homeowners who are prevented from doing the same. Why allow an out of town corporation build an expensive 90 room hotel, while at the same time not allowing permits for new vacation rentals? We work, live and contribute to this wonderful community. Many of us were drawn here for the very same reason tourists are. We should be able to support local business and help grow our local economy before another out of town corporation takes all of that income elsewhere.


How often do we read and hear how "quaint" downtown 3rd S
treet is, from local residents and tourists alike. This behemoth would be a blight on the 3rd Street landscape and forever change our beautiful downtown.


Who will own the new hotel? That fact hasn't been mentioned in the stories about the development.


This is a REALLY BAD idea! It will impact the other local venues and Third Street in so many ways.


I don't understand what the signifier of Historic Building even means if it prevents an elevator for disabled access in the 1893 Shop yet allows for this wholesale demolition. Either it matters or it doesn't, we can't have it both ways.


If the new building retains the character and historical elements of existing downtown, then I don't have an issue with it. How many of these older buildings are actually up to seismic codes anyway? Here's one example in a neighboring town: Just look at the old theater building in Carlton. It's a death trap. No permits can be granted for apartments in the upstairs area because it's going to collapse with even the slightest tremor. It's historical, but that does not justify it's existence over the lives that will be lost when it falls in the next quake.

Bill B

You know, it probably won't make a difference. With the sidewalks being replaced and the trees uprooted, it will never have the same look again. Sad...

Joel R

I agree with Jean. I love old buildings but at some point they become dangerous and it's time to move on. From the artist's rendering this looks like a nice traditional building that will fit in on 3rd street. I say give it a chance.
As far as the economic impact of a hotel and the tourism industry etc I really no nothing about that aspect.

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