By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Hotel developers urge look at big picture

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I'm sure the board will eventually come around during the appeal process. This is a 60 million dollar project and would mean jobs and city tax revenue for decades. Not to mention the downtown businesses that would also profit from this project. Their concerns will all be addressed.


All the property owners need to do is incite ANTIFA BLM to have another riot that escalates to arson. Alternatively, they could rent out a small space for a canaboid extraction operation, licensed or not. Then there could be a convenient Butane Hash Oil explosion. Once the buildings are burned to the ground, there will be no issues with getting permits.


I find what's really helpful is to take a nice walk in the woods. Get back to nature.


"Developer Otak’s Director of Design Gary Reddick said after the hearing that he regrets not highlighting the larger discussion of McMinnville’s economic future and how the hotel could align the city to become a major destination for wine tourism."


Why in the world would a developer force feed such a monster sized concept in a small town? How about "this building is an eyesore that has pollutants in the ground. We're going to build an beautiful building that will make downtown more appealing and will build in jobs. Let us know your concerns and we will talk about modifications to the plan".

They made a mistake with the initial pitch and now they're making it worse with the clarification. Keep it simple and it might sell.

McMinnville Planning Department

Just to clarify, the Historic Landmarks Committee (HLC) is scheduled to vote on their final decision on January 26. If the decision(s) are denial, the applicant will have 15 days to appeal the HLC decision to the Planning Commission. If the applicant appeals the HLC decision, staff is tentatively scheduling the public hearing for the Planning Commission to consider the appeal on March 2, 2023. The City needs to render a decision by April 15, 2023. That timeframe includes the opportunity for the applicant to appeal the Planning Commission decision to the City Council.

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