By Starla Pointer • Staff Writer • 

Duniway marks 'Day Without Hate'

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Jesus teaches people to be kind, respectful and loving. Kind of ironic to see how schools booted Him out several decades ago and now, sensing that something is deeply wrong, they try to smuggle in sanitized, secular versions of the same things he had been teaching all along. We humans are sure a strange and peculiar bunch of creatures.


And some of us humans follow other faiths in which Jesus doesn't play a role. Do we detain them in re-education camps until they see the light, Joel?


Lulu, I say bring in any faith tradition. The more help these kids can get the better. What's currently allowed in is pretty anemic and we're reaping the ugly fruit of that throughout society.


What happened to the separation of church and state?


As a kindergarten student attending Transfiguration Lutheran School, my fellow classmates and I daily stomped around the room singing every verse of Julia Ward Howe's original composition, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Lyrics like "He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored," and "as He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free," are aggressive and mean-spirited. And what are "jubilant" feet? There was no "Jesus loves the little children" feel-good songs. But if that type of curriculum is what you prefer for your offspring, you will pay extra.


Thanks a lot, I'm going to have The Battle Hymn of the Republic playing an endless loop in my head all day. :)


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