By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Dundee bypassed? Commissioners listen to city's concerns

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Good heavens Dundee! All you've said for years and years is you wanted the bypass. Now you're upset that cars and buses are actually using it and not coming into your town. News alert, downtown Dundee is despised. People hate it because they've been stuck there in traffic forever. There is nothing there for anyone to come to. I don't ever remember specifically driving into downtown Dundee for anything. I think the bypass should have actually bypassed Dundee and made it an exit to go to Dundee instead of making the bypass an exit with that ridiculous fishhook. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Buh-Bye Dundee. It's been a joy to jump on the by-pass and skip you and your nasty, congested highway. Enjoy your peace and quiet.


Scribe - did you even read the article or just the title? Dundee was upset about bus routes bypassing Dundee. Regarding despised downtown - Dundee residents equally despised the thousands of daily commuter cars parked in the middle of our town for the last 20 years!

Mac Native 66

The only time I've used the by-pass is to get to Hwy 219 from Hwy 99W. I do have to admit, Dundee doesn't have anything going for it except, wine and now whining. The town is like Newberg, Yamhill, Carlton, Dayton, Lafayette, Amity, Sheridan and Willamina. Boring!!!!!!!! As my screen name says, I'm a native of McMinnville since 1966. Maybe when the highway gets paved and you get a new attraction for EVERYONE, (not just the wine-o's) people will want to stop. In other words, give me a reason to come to Dundee, for more then passing through.

A New Generation

Primozich, who describes himself as “a pollinator,” said making connections is a major part of his job. By attending meetings throughout the county, Primozich said he is able to connect individuals and local governments with the county and with each other.

“It’s amazing how those connections lead to projects getting off the ground or projects getting completed,” he said.

Wow. I believe there is a mis-print ('county' should read 'country') in this story, as Stan's $20,000 a month expense account reveals, most recently in his trips to Washington, D.C. He is also inaccurate when he refers to the cost of road maintenance. Paved roads that fail are four times more expensive to replace than if properly maintained in the first place! The state of roads in Yamhill County? Fair to poor in most instances. Gravel roads for everybody! Maybe that's what Stan was doing on the East Coast so often, checking out their road conditions. He sure hasn't been 'advocating' for much here for the local citizens. The only thing he'd miss if he doesn't get re-elected are the meetings and lunches he is so good at attending for all those associations he belongs to. Out of touch, out of mind. As for the bypass, he came in on the tail end of it but loves to take credit for a project that still falls short and doesn't even end where it's supposed to (at the junction with Hwy 18). Thirty years and they still can't get it right. I'm voting for someone with a fresh perspective on all the County's issues, and it won't be him.

Sal Peralta

Ted - Does Dundee have a lodging tax?


Yes. Dundee has a 10% lodging tax.


Ted--I don't believe Dundee stands to become much richer with more bus passenger tourists.

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