By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Drabkin to address homeless issues

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The citizen testimony included narrative of a mushroom and alcohol fueled hobo attacking a 65 year old Recology employee with a large battle axe.

If any story were to generate action its seems this could do it. However nothing has changed and until the Oregon Legislature changes their stance I fear McMinnville will continue to flush into the sewer of Oregon's government choices.


Providing shelter does not fix addiction and mental health problems.

Joel R

Is she ever planning to address the graffiti problem? It's getting really, really bad. Sends a strong message that nobody is in charge and nobody cares.


This is a national problem that needs a national response....and with half of us being told that the federal government is bad, and that you should be constantly at the ready to overthrow it, then it won't ever get fixed. What we’ve really lost is ability to be citizens. We've been taught that the only "skin in the game" you need is to be a citizen is to pay taxes. That’s not good enough. It’s lazy. Time to get off our butts! In fact, we really need some kind of national service that's required by all citizens to go thru to bring us all together on the same team: groups like Peace corps or Ameri-corps, or even military service, that help resonate pride in our country. We also need civics courses taught in school again. Everyone needs to know how our government functions. We should all be ok with wanting to help each other to make our country the best it can be. Instead, we focus so much on individualism and greed and our community suffers for it.

If we believe in America….we can do ANYTHING


Joel R.

The Juvenile Department work crew for graffiti removal has not been funded / staffed and therefore nobody exists to remove graffiti.

I also agree it's getting really bad. The mexican gangs who call themselves nortenos (red paint) or surenos (blue paint) are mainly responsible. Individual citizens need to provide the police department with photos or information which could identify those responsible.


Regarding the graffiti...I see many places where it's whited out. Then another message, which says "Love You" applied over the top. Is this being done by citizens? Just curious!


I think the “love you” markings are just another form of graffiti as I have seen it in numerous locations.
It seems that there is an expectation that the city should take care of graffiti but I see many marks on private fences or structures…. Is it the city’s responsibility to clean or cover graffiti on private property?

McMinnville Planning Department

Please send complaints about graffiti to the code enforcement team at 503-434-7305, and provide the property address. You can also submit a complaint online at At this point it is the property owner's responsibility to remove the graffiti within ten days of being notified. We will help by providing supplies. Due to the amount of graffiti recently we are also considering putting together a volunteer program to proactively clean up graffiti in a more rapid response fashion on the weekend. If you are interested in helping, please call the same number above.

Joel R

Thanks for responding, Planning Department. It's good to know that someone cares and that their are resources available to get it cleaned up.
Just there any way to prevent it? As was stated above most of it is coming from Mexican gangs. Do the police have the resources to try to root these gangs out of the city? It's deeply concerning because if left unchecked I can imagine that these gangs proceed from graffiti to property crimes to violent crimes against persons. Nobody wants to live in a city that is on that kind of trajectory.

Joel R


DB Cooper

Joel R,

I'm not sure what you expect the Planning Department to say about an unsubstantiated claim about Mexican Gangs being responsible for graffiti. If there is significant gang activity being done by any nationality, I am sure the Police department is aware of it and has information regarding it. Even if for some reason planning department was privy to that information, I am certain they wouldn't be releasing plans in a newspaper comment thread.


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