By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Climate change creates a storm at capitol

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How dare people move towards addressing climate issues! *eye roll* It's time to trust scientists, people. Reduce pollution now and leave your grandchildren a place to become adults. It will financially hurt to undo the environmental damage generations have done to this globe. It won't be comfortable. It's just a fact.

Don Dix

I find it interesting and actually quite self-centered to have a Sierra Club spokesman blame large wildfires on warming rather than the club's strict agenda of not cleaning underbrush (which fuels wildfire intensity) from the forests. Wildfires are an environmental forest management problem, not a warming issue. Proof would be that 17 of California's 21 wildfires this year were started by power lines -- go figure.

Don Dix

First paragraph -- 'A panel of scientists warned governments around the world in October they must take “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” to avoid cataclysmic and irreversible levels of global warming in the next 11 years.

'A panel of scientists'? Hardly! That 'warning' was from the IPCC, and the 'panel' is not scientists but diplomats and assorted government appointees that have no background in any sort of climate study. Scientist only supply the information, the reports are written by the non-scientists. It's highly 'unlikely' (an IPCC term, among other sketchy hedge words) any 'panelist' would back that claim with a substantial wager, eh!

An inquisitive mind would wonder what 'next big thing' the people of the world will need to be saved from in the future -- as you know, it's always something!


As Don points out some of our fires are caused by us, our infrastructure, our need for electricity and our comfortable life style. We are thirsty. We need huge amounts of water for mono culture to feed everyone. Our water is being depleted. We create garbage by the mountain, like here, we put the mountain next to a river which can contaminate all the way down stream. There are 8 billion people in the world. Our civilization is built on comfort and consumption. We are doing every thing we can to keep our life style going as long as we can. We will until we can't any more. Don is such an optimist. He sees a conspiracy to steal and scam. I wish I had his rosy view.


This democratic super majority in Salem is scary. All you have to do is look to our south to see what several years of a democratic super majority has done to California. God help us all. Idaho or South Dakota or Texas is looking better and better all the time.


HB2020 is a simplistic solution to a complex problem. Putting a mill like Cascade Steel out of business when they are already using the best possible technology penalizes the problem solvers and puts money in the pockets of the polluters. The legislature needs to do better.

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