By News-Register staff • 

Classic opens Friday, seeks volunteers

Rachel Thompson/News-Register file photo##At the 2024 Wine & Food Classic, Marcus Glaze, left, of McMinnville talks wines from Lolati Wines with Theresa Richmond-Woods from Portland. Lolati Wines, with roots in South Africa, is based in Sherwood.
Rachel Thompson/News-Register file photo##At the 2024 Wine & Food Classic, Marcus Glaze, left, of McMinnville talks wines from Lolati Wines with Theresa Richmond-Woods from Portland. Lolati Wines, with roots in South Africa, is based in Sherwood.

Volunteers are needed to help set up, run and clean up after the annual McMinnville Wine & Food Classic, a fundraiser for St. James Catholic School.

Thousands of food, wine and art lovers are expected to attend the 21-and-older event, which runs Friday through Sunday, March 7 to 9, in the Evergreen Space Museum.

Hours are 3 to 9 p.m. Friday, with an admission price of $28; 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, $32; and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, $24. Three-day VIP passes are $135.

It takes more than 300 volunteers — parents, school supporters and community members at large — to run the event. Volunteers do everything from taking tickets to helping in food booths to assisting the 100-plus vendors.

In return for helping with a variety of tasks, from taking tickets they get to attend the event.

To volunteer or learn more about the Classic, visit


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