By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

City committee moves toward denial of Gwendolyn Hotel proposal

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Can we please hurry up and get all the formalities out of the way so that this issue can just be decided in court?

DB Cooper

I'm interested to hear what the fears for downtown business are? Has the Atticus had a large negative impact on downtown business? I would think it would be categorically the opposite for most downtown destinations but maybe I am misinformed.

Easy Writer

People in this town think this is McMayberry. The only thing missing is Barney Fife running down Third Street with a gun.

Don Dix

Easy Writer -- who says we didn't have that Fife-like character back in the day? Ask a native.


Seriously, the last thing any business on Third St wants is more people flocking to their stores....especially rich tourists! Stop this nonsense at once so we can get back to watching those crappy old buildings deteriorate! Let's re-visit this when they've all collapsed.


I'm amazed that the owners of these historic buildings have not hired an arsonist. Maybe we could invite an ANTIFA BLM riot?


The artist rendition looks like it would fit beautifully there. The buildings proposed to be demolished, not so much! New, safe, beautiful, it's own parking....seems like a great addition to downtown. People would surely investigate downtown businesses then. I admit, I don't know all the negatives, but I sure can see some of the positives!

Local Yokel

Toxic Nostalgia

Easy Writer

@Don Dix: I AM a native.


Here is an easy fix. Do away with the McMinnville Historic Landmarks Committee.

Case in point, a local landlord wanted off the landmarks registry so she could make affordable repairs and keep her property open for rental. the committees response was no, and that “If you had the means, you could pretty easily turn it back into a beautiful, beautiful structure.”

Which is why I will be totally stunned if they don't move forward with the wine hotel...

Don Dix

Easy Writer -- My apologies, should have qualified that to 'older native'. Late sixties - early seventies - we had a 'Fife-like' version.


The good ole' boy club hard at work!!

Philip Higgins

Love to see comments in favor got to: Heather Richards she's eager to hear from other voices as the negative nelly folks have filled up her in box.

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