By News-Register staff • 

Campain signs vandalized west of McMinnville

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Trump's minions practicing for the purge that he called for yesterday...and no...they are not cute, yellow, short, and wear goggles. Although, they do share same level of intelligence, though.


Maybe they were Biden voters. The millions of primary voters that voted for Biden were disenfranchised and had their will and intent tossed into the trash by the democrat media and elites when it was clear that their shell game of “Biden is sharp as a tack and the young staffers can’t keep up with him” was exposed and the public saw behind the curtain. Or because of democracy, or something. Anyway, campaign violence is kind of democrat schtick.


I take that last comment back, I shouldn’t have posted that. Mainly because I find it hard to believe that there actually 11 Kamala Harris signs in the county, let alone all together in one place. Theres so few of them you would think that they were Bubba signs.

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