By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Budget committee approves funding for needle exchange program

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I guess the pot dealer recused himself of having to make a very heard decision?


I still think this is a big mistake and will
end up costing the people of this county bigger


Heroin is cheaper than Meth now. We should spend this money to secure our border with Mexico (where 80-90% of it comes from).


I guess I’m just one of the people that are angry and afraid that evidence just won’t convince. You know, those bitter clingers... I’m sure glad smart people are in charge instead of us riff raff commoners.

On second thought I guess I am angry and afraid. I’m angry at what is happening in my county and I’m afraid that the people elected to run it don’t give a damn about anything other than their liberal policies.

So those are the only two options? Hand out free needles or ‘get rid of the people’? Welcome the south PDX, when does the light rail get built? Oh, that’s right, we’re getting a trail instead.


And ja74 is right. Build the damn wall and stop the heroine coming across the boarder. I know it won’t stop all of it but it will make it a hell of a lot harder to bring in into the country. It’s like having a broken water pipe and saying we have a towel problem rather than shutting the water off.


So Olson thinks those who don't agree with his and Halloran-steins liberal views are "angry and afraid?" Well I guess that's a step up from Hillary calling us "deplorables."


Until Olson comes to realize that people of good will (who are not angry or afraid) can actually have a different opinion than him he will continue to struggle and be frustrated as a politician.


Yamhill County is "Playing the game"

Like Seattle it starts with "Ten Year Plan To End Homlessness", then counting heads = $ and will end much like Portland and Seattle... "Emergency Declarations" = $ and talks of "affordable housing" as the issue and HHS continuing to grow = $ and our non profits = $

Vote for change


Rick Olson

Please color code the County Taxpayer paid for "free needles" so we know who to hold responsible should we get injured.


Say...whatever happened to the "head count" by YCAP? What exactly do they accomplish with stalling tactics?

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